So I’m trying to make a list of numbers that are multiples of 3, this is my code:

multiples_of_3 = []
for value in range(3, 31):
    number = value % 3 == 0


But it transforms the results into booleans, which throws me a list with false and trues instead of numbers, what I’m doing wrong? I know comprehension lists exist and that this could be done more efficiently but well, I’m trying to learn and writing it as a comprehension list doesn’t make it easier.

  • @hotdaniel
    10 months ago

    To add, OP could just use range(3,31,3) which increments by 3. Which reduces the loop enough that it becomes clear something like list comprehension would, yes, be easier.

    Edit: Didn’t realize this was 6 months old haha