“Unlike you snowflakes, I’m not so easily triggered.”

pronouns trans-gunstalin-gun-2

  • Dudewitbow
    5 months ago

    i can at best give my perspective having a friend whose kinda sheltered and lack of empathy causes this situation.

    Some people dont like change, and like others mention its because its something theyre not used to or dont understand, and hate the fact that its changing their norm.

    To give context about a chat I had litterally yesterday. Paper Mario and the Thosand Year Door has an infamous character Vivian who in the original Japanese version, is a crossdressing male whose infactuated with mario iirc. The english translation has always been wishy washy about what gender Vivian is, to the point that one of the changes in the script of the remake is they “withheld” the sirens relationship.

    I basically told him back in the early 2000s, being gay was a huge issue (while being trans back then was less of an issue, at least publicly) while the script only changes today because being trans is more of an issue now for conservatives than being gay is. While I personally think that it shoulda stayed as Sirens, or at least, Siblings (as it doesnt in particular say any character is a specific gender, while staying true in context of the game and being alliterative), some people see changes like these in games to be highly reactive.