Source: Overdue Account
Holy shit I forgot about 27bslash6! I used to crack up to this for hours rather than get any work done.
Found 27bslash7 through Bored at work in my teenage years. And now this made me realize boredatwork still exist. If I wasn’t on a tight deadline productivity would plummet.
It would have been worth $400, but the spider only has 7 legs.
That was before she sent it back for an update. It’s worth AT LEAST that now.
Sov cit behavior
Hey private traveler, if you read my answer you owe me $1
Nope. You put the gold fringe tassels on the wrong side of your strawman & signed your corporation evacuation & emancipation contract with blood instead of bile.
I highly suggest you take my online course again or you’ll never know whether you’re truly being detained.
The course on I already spent thousands on that! Maybe I need to try harder tho
When I first heard about NFTs that spider was all I could think of.