Twelve years ago almost to the day, Wisconsin liberals were giddy on election night. With all votes counted, their candidate led by 204 votes, flipping the state’s supreme court their way. But when a red county discovered the next day that it had forgotten to count thousands of ballots, conservatives won the race and defended their court majority—and they haven’t let it go since. In 2013, 2016, and 2017, liberals had three more chances to flip the court, and each time they faltered; in 2017, they didn’t even field a candidate.

Their cursed streak ended on Tuesday. Janet Protasiewicz, a Milwaukee judge who ran with Democratic support, won the seat of a retiring conservative justice after a heated campaign that pulverized national spending records.

Her victory hands liberals a majority on the supreme court for the first time since 2008. They will keep it until at least 2025, when Justice Ann Bradley’s term expires.