Amy Westervelt and Kyle Pope have covered climate disinformation for a combined 20-plus years – here’s their guide on how to decode it

Increasingly sophisticated and better-funded disinformation is making climate coverage trickier both for journalists to produce and for the public to fully understand and trust.

But telling the story, and understanding it, has never been more urgent with half of Earth’s population eligible to vote in elections that could decisively impact the world’s ability to act in time to stave off the worst of the climate crisis.

Swayed for 30 years by fossil fuel industry propaganda, the media has been as likely to unknowingly amplify falsehoods as they were to bat them down. It’s only in recent years that more journalists started to shy away from “both-sides-ing” the climate crisis – decades after scientists reached an overwhelming consensus on the scope of the problem and its causes.

The good news is that while the fossil fuel industry’s PR tactics have shifted, the stories they’re telling don’t change much from year to year, they are just adapted depending on what’s happening in the world.

When politicians talk about how much it will cost to act on climate change, for example, they almost always refer to economic models commissioned by the fossil fuel industry, which leave out the cost of inaction, which rises with every passing year. When politicians say that climate policies will increase the cost of gas or energy, they count on reporters having no idea how gas or energy pricing works, or how much fossil fuel companies’ production decisions, not to mention lobbying for particular fossil fuel subsidies or against policies that support renewable energy, impact those prices.

1. Energy security

From fueling wars to preserving national security, the fossil fuel industry loves to trumpet its role in keeping the world safe, even when it is engaging in geopolitical brinksmanship that makes everyone decidedly less so. In the context of national security, it’s worth noting that the US military started funding net-zero programs back in 2012 and listing climate change as a threat multiplier in its Quadrennial Defense Review a decade ago. But oil companies and their trade groups ignore that reality and instead insist the threat is in reducing fossil fuel dependence.

We’ve seen this recently in the industry’s messaging around the Russia-Ukraine war, when it mobilized even before Putin to push the idea that a global liquified natural gas (LNG) boom was a fix to short-term energy shortages in Europe. The industry has been noticeably quiet on the Israel-Palestine war, but is pushing general “we keep you safe” messaging that emphasizes global instability. In the US, energy security narratives often have nationalistic undertones, with messages pushing the global environmental and security benefits of US fossil fuel over that from countries like Qatar or Russia.

It is true that energy self-sufficiency contributes to any nation’s stability, but there’s no rule that says energy has to come from hydrocarbons. In fact, it’s well-documented that depending on an energy source vulnerable to the whims of world commodity markets and global conflicts is a recipe for volatility.

2. The economy v the environment

In 1944, when it looked like the second world war would end soon, PR guru Earl Newsom pulled together his corporate clients–including Standard Oil of New Jersey (ExxonMobil today), Ford, GM and Procter & Gamble – and crafted a top secret post-war strategy to keep the US public convinced of the “worth of the free enterprise system”.

From school curricula to Hollywood-crafted animated shorts to industry presentations to media interviews, the fossil fuel industry has hammered these themes repeatedly for decades. And, in a classic move, industry spokespeople point to studies that industry groups, like the American Petroleum Institute, commission as proof that taking care of the environment is bad for the economy.

In 2021, a peer-reviewed paper entitled “Weaponizing Economics” tracked the activity of a group of economic consultants who were hired by the petroleum industry for decades. “They produced analyses that were then used by both companies and politicians … to tell the public that it would just be way too expensive to act on climate, and that in any case, climate change was not going to be a big deal, so the best thing to do would be to do nothing,” the paper’s co-author Ben Franta, head of the Climate Litigation Lab at Oxford University, said.

These tactics also show up in ads that remind us to balance a desire for reduced emissions with the need to keep the economy going. One BP ad recently running on NPR, New York Times and Washington Post podcasts states that oil and gas equals jobs and argues for adding renewables, rather than replacing fossil fuels.

3. ‘We make your life work’

The fossil fuel industry loves to argue that it makes the world work – from keeping the lights on to keeping us riveted by smart phones and TV, and clothed in fast fashion. It’s genius: create a product, create demand for the product, and then shift the blame to consumers not just for buying it but also for its associated impacts.

“Basically it’s a propaganda campaign,” said Brown University environmental sociologist Robert Brulle. “And you don’t have to use the words ‘climate change’. What they’re doing is they’re seeding in the collective unconscious the idea that fossil fuels equals progress and the good life.”

Advertisements like Energy Transfer Partners’ “Our Lives Are Petroleum” campaign, which has been running since 2021, also serve the purpose of shaming people into keeping quiet on climate unless they have successfully rid their own lives of hydrocarbons. The logic goes: if you use a phone or drive a car, or really, if you live in the modern world at all, you’re the problem. Not the companies that have worked for decades to make their products seem indispensable and block any alternatives to them.

4. ‘We’re part of the solution’

Nothing keeps away regulation like promises of voluntary solutions that make it seem like the fossil fuel industry is really trying. In a 2020 exposé, Greenpeace’s investigative newsroom, Unearthed, caught an Exxon lobbyist on camera explaining this tactic had worked with a carbon tax to head off emissions regulations and how the company was pursuing the same strategy with plastic. Working with the American Chemistry Council to roll out voluntary measures like “advanced recycling”, the lobbyist, Keith McCoy, said the goal was to “get ahead of government intervention”.

As with climate change, McCoy explained, if the industry can make it seem as though it was working on solutions, it could keep outright bans on single-use plastics at bay. Today, this narrative shows up in the industry’s push for carbon capture, biofuels, and methane-based hydrogen solutions like blue, purple, and turquoise hydrogen. We also see it in the industry’s embrace of the term “low carbon” to describe not only fossil fuel–enabling solutions like carbon capture, but also “natural gas”, which industry lobbyists are successfully selling to politicians as a climate solution.

5. ‘The world’s greatest neighbor’

Just in case people still aren’t accepting of dirty air, dirty water and climate change, the fossil fuel industry funds museums, sports, aquariums, and schools, serving the dual purpose of cleaning up its image and making communities feel dependent on the industry and thus less likely to criticize it.

Both journalists and their audiences have more power to combat climate disinformation than it might feel when they’re awash in it. Understanding the industry’s classic narratives is a good starting point.

Debunking false claims is a critical next step.

  • Amy Westervelt is an award-winning investigative climate journalist, founder of Critical Frequency, and executive editor of Drilled Media

  • Kyle Pope is executive director of strategic initiatives and co-founder of Covering Climate Now, and a former editor and publisher of the Columbia Journalism Review

    6 months ago

    A point I really think deserves awareness as well:

    6. Personal responsibility: It StARts wITh yOu!

    Another trick to fend off regulation. Companies rail against regulation, saying that the options are already out there and that now it’s the consumer’s choice, i.e. as an individual, spend extra time when shopping to find greener products, pay more and try to get others to do the same.

    You are now disadvantaged (higher costs, more effort, time spent evangelizing) and tiring yourself out, seeing no progress around you. Others may even perceive your advocacy for less convenient life choices as droning and obnoxious, which is a view gladly pushed behind the scenes by the industry trying to resist regulation.

    See Coca Cola’s “Anti-Litterbug” gambit (they funded “keep the environment clean” campaigns to resist bottle deposits), or how Prius drivers (an early electric hybrid vehicle) were depicted as holier-than-thou types, a cult, arrogant and elitist (I believe this even found its way into a few South Park episodes).

    If, instead, regulators brought the hammer down from the beginning - like they did with Asbestos and CFC - products meeting the new guidelines would automatically become mainstream and cheap. Of course, it would also cut into the profits of established brands and potentially even shake up their power structures (as niche brands already meeting the new guidelines might make gains while big companies struggle to adapt their large production/supply structures).

      6 months ago

      Eh, I tend to disagree at least partly here. A society that can’t be bothered to do literally anything sustainable isn’t a society that will push for the necessary regulations. It’s also meaningful to actually be a (tiny) part of the solution rather than doing nothing. Someone that is willing to do the first step is more likely to do the second and third, and actually vote for people that care about this stuff. I also disagree with the idea that you’re “disadvantaged” by doing anything sustainable - it’s often the opposite. Biking is cheaper than driving. A Prius or a Model 3 are cheaper to drive than gas guzzlers and brodozers. It costs less to eat less meat. Solar panels pay for themselves. I could go on and on. It’s literally not that hard to be less wasteful. Don’t pretend like driving trucks and SUVs around strip malls while buying tons of shit puts you at an “advantage”, it just makes you wasteful and poorer. I know it’s edgy to pretend like everyone can burn all the fossil fuels they want and it’s someone else’s job to fix it, but that’s bullshit.

        6 months ago

        I wasn’t trying to throw shade on the subgroup that does act in the face of climate change, it’s just my impression that they’re intentionally guided down paths where they fight their fellow citizens and burn themselves out instead of achieving something.

        • For example (depending on the distance of your workplace), biking is certainly less convenient in that it takes more free time out of your day, requires you to bother with rain clothes, proper winter clothes, a place to store your bike while you work (which is surprisingly harder than parking a honking car) and more.

        • Buying sustainable meat or eggs means they’re more expensive and in noodles, pizza or cheese, it becomes either impossible or reduces your choice to one or two products which will usually be marketed as super premium. Meat industry spokesmen: “we’re just giving people what they want, if they want sustainable, they need to vote with their wallets.

        • Avoiding plastic packaging also carries extra effort. You need to locate a store that offers bring-your-own-container beans, rice, oats and so on, which is nigh impossible in some places and requires visiting an additional market with a price premium in others.


        I’m not trying to make a case for “oh, I can’t do it because it inconveniences me, someone else fix it please,” I’m observing that those of us that do care enough are (and have been for decades) too few to reach critical mass. For example, we won’t fix the micro plastics in our oceans and food chain problem by calling for “personal responsibility” and sputtering on in that mode for the next 30 to 50 years (like it happened with fossil fuels).

        Or, similarly, the entire recycling system is largely busywork for eco conscious people, considering that, still, >90% of trash ends up in landfills, burned or dumped. That is the point where I believe regulation with teeth needs to be established and where instead calling for “personal responsibility” is merely a diversion to tire out people willing to act while everything stays the same.

          6 months ago

          I don’t see these two ideas - the personal and the societal - as incompatible though. That’s the core issue I have with the argument against “personal responsibility” - it seems to actively discourage people from doing what they often easily can do, in favor of voting a few times a decade against entrenched lobbies working to keep fossil fuels flowing. We can do both. Do what you can, and push policy as far as you can as often as you can. I agree that the policies and regulations are absoluty critical. But let’s walk and chew gum at the same time.

          I’m not asking myself or my friend or neighbor to solve the microplastic problem, but it would be nice if they stopped idling their damned truck for 15 minutes every morning all winter so their special ass doesn’t have to face the horror of a cold seat for 10 seconds, or to buy a heat pump instead of a new furnace/AC that costs just as much by learning about the rebates available, or to simply donate their old stuff instead of trashing it (I’ve seen dumpsters full of high end baby stuff like cribs and highchairs and strollers). Like someone would even pick it up for free and they could save $$$ by not getting a dumpster. This is stuff I’m talking about, not fixing the egg supply chain or stopping coral bleaching singlehandedly. This is really easy stuff. There is a culture of wastefulness in the US that is built on everyone’s individual decisions, and I don’t think ignoring it entirely is helpful.

      6 months ago

      there will just be a new 1% even communism has a 1% north Korea is a good example of this

      • DessertStorms@kbin.socialOP
        6 months ago

        even communism has a 1% north Korea is a good example of this

        Lol, tell me you know nothing about communism without saying you know nothing about communism

        (a hint for those who won’t even click the link because challenging their bias is too scary: communism by definition cannot have a 1%, and using North Korea as an example of it is like using Nazis as an example of socialism)

          6 months ago

          there will always be a power imbalance. Maybe the divide will not be financial, but there are plenty of other ways for people to gain power over others. During revolutions the divide will often be about how loyal you are to the cause, i.e. people who appear more loyal to the revolution, will have power over people who are less loyal.

          • DessertStorms@kbin.socialOP
            6 months ago

            Maybe you should read that link too, and maybe a few others before making such statements.

            The whole idea of anarchism and communism is to abolish hierarchy. Things being the way they are now doesn’t mean it is inevitable for them to always be like this.

            It says more about you and how much you have to unlearn of your indoctrination (as well as how powerful and successful it is) that you can’t see beyond it, than it does about the possibility of a better future outside of the social constructs you are familiar with (and which have only been around for a tiny blip of human history).

              6 months ago

              Maybe you should read that link too, and maybe a few others before making such statements.

              I am familiar with the idea of communism. I am making an explicit counter pointer to the idea of “pure communism”.

              The whole idea of anarchism and communism is to abolish hierarchy. Things being the way they are now doesn’t mean it is inevitable for them to always be like this.

              That is a good point actually. But the observation of hierarchy is very very strong (both in humans and in animals). You would need a very strong argument to counter it, which I am not seeing.

              It says more about you

              … that’s not a strong argument. That’s just a thinly veiled insult.

              how much you have to unlearn of your indoctrination (as well as how powerful and successful it is) that you can’t see beyond it

              Are you asking me to have faith? Or is there some evidence for your argument?

                6 months ago

                Guys, I spent half my childhood in the communist eastern block.

                I have seen what communism evolves into given enough time.

                People are savages, and unscrupulous individuals will rise to the top.

                As an ideology, it is beautiful. Maybe our AI overlords could implement it to benefit everyone, but we can’t.

                We have a saying, it goes something like: Even Jesus’ arms bent inwards.

                edit: typo

              6 months ago

              the problem with that is that hierarchy’s will always emerge eventually. you can only just ignore it or just call it something else. its always a good sign that you feel the need to talk like someone in a fucking cult and lets not forget the arrogant self-centered snobbery and you really like smelling your own farts. that indoctrination part applies to you too undefined blob.

          6 months ago

          oh yes because you can pick and choose what your undefined utopian ideology actually is. and you can keep doing that forever the never ending goal post moving.

  • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
    6 months ago

    ‘We make your life work’

    is the other side of

    and then shift the blame to consumers not just for buying it but also for its associated impacts.

    The fact is that there’s no 1:1 replacement to something that isn’t fossil fuels, which means that change is required in all aspects of life. That’s what the “ecomodernist” capitalists are trying to avert with green capitalism, that’s what the futurologist Musk fans are waiting for, and there’s A LOT of scamming in this sense. The most famous current example of that is electric cars. That’s a “swap”. Actual meaningful changes requires redevelopment for higher density, implementing public transit and non-car transportation, and connecting to a large train network. And Musk hates that.

    Fossil fuels do fuel the extravagant Global North lifestyle, and that’s what I mean by change. If you tell these entitled consumers that they’re not participating, it implies that they don’t have to change anything about their lifestyle or desires (for more). I don’t think activists realize how this can backfire, as such consumers choose themselves over the climate if they’re not aligned with doing what’s needed. And the way that looks like is


    fascism and neocolonialism for energy security, which will be called “for freedom!


    The Carbon Footprint is a legitimate measure of GHG emissions at a certain level, it can be applied to persons as well as buildings, cities, countries and so on. How it’s used is a different story. The fossil fuel industry is using it to remind you that they own your ass, like a drug dealer reminding you from who you get your fix *from. But there’s nobody to intervene, the oil cartels are the ones with most of the power.

    People need to want to be free from fossil fuels; to want change. Otherwise this isn’t going to work, because the changes we need are radical and profound, and require cooperation. There are some who theorize about some type of eco-authoritarianism, but I doubt that it would work, especially since it has to work in the Global North primarily, and a non-leftist dictator would probably be best buds with fossil capital.

    some reading

    6 months ago

    I think the article forgot the “Individualization of Responsibility”-talking point.

    “When responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions, the nature and exercise of political power, or ways of collectively changing the distribution of power and influence in society — to, in other words, ‘think institutionally.’”

      6 months ago

      Which can be abbreviated to: the term “carbon footprint” was invented by a BP marketing campaign.

      Just as “reduce, reuse, recycle” and the halo of campaigns around it were a response to the earth day movement in which single use plastics almost got banned back in the 1970s. But the industry managed to transfer blame from themselves – for intentionally making and marketing disposable trash products – to the consumers for using those products as intended.

      The petroleum and plastics industries are responsible for every spec of waste, pollution, and emissions they produce. Every spec of them. Individualization campaigns are just a way to get away with being the deadbeats they are.

    6 months ago

    uhh lemme check the Wikipedia article on bp, theres something you should know

    edit: they recognize LGBTQ

    from Wikipedia: In 2014, BP backed a global study researching challenges for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and for ways that companies can be a “force for change” for LGBT workers around the world. In 2015, Reuters wrote that BP is “known for their more liberal policies for gay and transgender workers”. A 2016 article in the Houston Chronicle said BP was “among the first major companies in the United States to offer LGBT workers equal protection and benefits roughly 20 years ago”. BP scored a 100% on the 2018 Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, which was released in 2017, although this was the most common score. Also in 2017, BP added gender reassignment surgery to its list of benefits for U.S. employees. According to the Human Rights Campaign, BP is one of only a few oil and gas companies offering transgender benefits to its employees. BP ranked No. 51 on the list of Top 100 employers for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender staff on the 2017 Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. Also in 2017, John Mingé, chairman and president of BP America, signed a letter alongside other Houston oil executives denouncing the proposed “bathroom bill” in Texas.

    I’ll check the tories wikipedia page too

    edit 2: most mentions of lgbt in the conservative party wikipedia page

    Interest groups •Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation •Conservative Friends of Israel •Conservative Friends of Turkey •Conservative Friends of the Chinese •LGBT+ Conservatives •Bruges Group •Conservative Christian Fellowship •Conservative Muslim Forum

    In 2006, there was a rebranding exercise to emphasise the Conservatives’ commitment to environmentalism; a project costing £40,000 resulted in a sketched silhouette of an oak tree, a national symbol, which was said to represent “strength, endurance, renewal and growth”. A change from green to the traditional Conservative blue colour appeared in 2007, followed by a version with the Union Jack superimposed in 2010. An alternative version featuring the colours of the Rainbow flag was unveiled for an LGBT event at the 2009 conference in Manchester.

    As part of their coalition with the Liberal Democrats, the Conservative government did support the introduction of equal marriage rights for LGBT+ individuals in 2010, though 139 Conservative MPs, a majority, voted against the 2013 same-sex marriage act. After the 2019 general election, there are now 20 LGBT+ Conservative MPs in Parliament, more than there were during the prior Parliament.

    i will also check the labor party wiki page

    edit 3: hmm. The alliances which campaigns such as Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners forged between lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and labour groups, as well as the Labour Party itself, also proved to be an important turning point in the progression of LGBT issues in the UK. At the 1985 Labour Party conference in Bournemouth, a resolution committing the party to support LGBT equality rights passed for the first time with block voting support from the NUM.

    Reply with any other information.