Posted by Zetheros:

"Hey Exanimates,

We released the insider test this weekend, which is going really well so far. We’re working through some fixes and improvements to specific Force powers, but despite a lot of back-end changes the game seems solid and we haven’t even felt the need to patch this release just yet. We’ll try to work through all or most of the issues over the next few days.

This insider test includes many new and remastered items and the updated first two levels, the overall layout hasn’t changed much, but there’s a huge number of changes and new assets, which have been very well received by insiders. This rework has also given us an opportunity to test out some of the new level design elements we can introduce with the new features and improvements, and we can happily call it a success.

We hope to have everything we released so far in good shape within days, and then it’s all hands on deck to get the new area ready for release. There’s a few lower priority items we’ll try to complete in the meantime, but in terms of functionality we’re basically there. We already plan to follow the update up with a smaller one, so when we’re happy with the state of the new content we should be ready to release.

Have a great week! -the BM team"