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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/jollyroger69420 on 2024-05-22 21:28:07+00:00.

Unnatural colors in the environment can often be a harbinger of doom or even a result of catastrophic climate change. Peter Ward had a great book called Under a Green Sky which details various extinction events, many of which were so severe that they turned the skies green and the oceans pink/purple.

Published today on The Guardian, the following article describes new research into Alaska’s hydrological quandry. Apparently climate change is turning the streams orange, posing serious dangers to the state’s wildlife - well, what they haven’t shot or trawled yet lmao.

This orange phenomenon could either be because of exposure to heavy metals or because Alaska’s waterways are shilling for 4 more years of Trump. The world may never know.

Collapse related because climate change is threatening the basis of the food web as waterways are literally poisoned in the biggest state in America.