Been hesitant to get into gardening for a while, finally took the plunge in late May with whatever I could scrape together. Already learning from mistakes (vertical support, crowding, a grow bag that isn’t meant for potatoes 😊), but happy that it’s still alive so far! No peas yet but I’m patiently hoping. Open to advice and tips for this/next year!

[Image description: split image, left image is 12 sprouting snap peas after 2 weeks planted in a 13 inch wide black canvas grow bag, right image is the same snap peas at 5 weeks having grown to around 2 feet tall]

  • Unislash
    2 years ago

    My tip for peas is that they need full sun, and don’t like the mid summer heat. I have had peas in the corner of my garden for two years and they hardly produced anything both years. I decided to move them over to the middle of the garden with much more sun this year, and success! Lots of fruit.

    Pro tip: you can pair peas with pole beans on to the same trellis. The peas will be finishing up just as the pole beans are sending their first foot or so of vines up. It takes some careful removal of the pea plants but by doing this you can get both peas and beans in your prime trellis spot in the garden. Runner beans are too early for this to work well though.