But what if it return? Somehow?
Its return was clearly foreshadowed by the meme using Windows, where “no” means “pop up again later”.
Darth Clippy
Kill task
Hold up. I never thought about it until just now, but aren’t Sith Lords basically supervillain caliber ninjas, in addition to being space wizards? How was Vader able to just pick him up and yeet him down that shaft? Couldn’t the Emperor have done like a double backflip with a triple gainer and then been like “AHA! Nice try, but foolish.” *Lightning bolts in your eyeballs! “Muahaha!”. Seriously? Why did he act like a helpless old man during that scene other than plot armor?
i mean wasn’t he like 90 by that time? all that force zapping at that age really takes it out of ya probably
And yet he somehow returned. Like 20 years later.
My head canon is that Palps shocked himself too when Vader “crossed the streams” by picking him up.
Plus he knew the Star Wars truth that falling down into a hole is a sure fire way to survive.