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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/XingTheRubicon on 2024-06-29 21:57:56+00:00.

We don’t know what happens yet going forward, so let’s go back and look at the parts of the “cycle” that we know so far.

What we know:

Fact #1:

RK’s YOLO tweets showed us the expiry date on his 120,000 calls was June 21, 2024.

Fact #2:

The 2 daily moon candles that preceded the June 21st expiry were June 3rd and June 6th.

Fact #3:

June 3rd was THIRTEEN trading days before the YOLO June 21st expiry.

June 6th was TEN trading days before the YOLO June 21st expiry.

Fact #4:

  1. If you look at the Open Interest for July, what clearly stands out is July 19th.
  2. The buying is more spread out, but July 19th is flexing. Example: There’s more July 19th $30 calls than July 5th, 12th, and 26th combined.

Now, not FACT but speculation:

I believe Roaring Kitty’s current options YOLO is for July 19th expiry.

Now, having said that:

THIRTEEN trading days before July 19th?

July 1st (Monday)

TEN trading days before July 19th?

July 5th (Friday)

***Sleep well my brothers, smoke if you got 'em…

****Also, I will have a follow up post later tonite or Sunday concerning something really odd going on in August…