Nazis synthesized Western imperialism and then after the war that synthesis was distributed among various Western institutions in the name of fighting Communism.
I recently learned that Hitler was inspired by Atatürk, Pan-Turkism and the Armenian genocide as well.
It will be great to make a lot of content around this. In Latin America, we really need more anti imperialist content.
This is a great introduction to BadEmpanada’s video
It will be great to have someone like him in Spanish. The latino fascists are winning way too much terrain in the propaganda. As a small sample, lots of latino comrades are struggling to battle the amount of fascists talking points about Venezuela.
Is horrible.
How about you, tovarshi, puedes hablar en bueno espanol, eh? I think you’re a native speaker
You can be the change the left needs!
Claro, solo que soy un poco tímido. 😅
Which video? The one where he’s essentially backing an ongoing US coup attempt in Venezuela?
No, of course… the video title is “How the USA Inspired the Nazis - From Manifest Destiny to Lebensraum”… don’t twist my words, you {redacted}, have ye only learned of him yesterday?
I’m very familiar with BE’s bullshit, thanks.
Out of many things to judge him for (Venezuela and Xinjiang, admittedly are big Ls, imho), do you mean to call “How the USA inspired the Nazis” bullshit as well?
I don’t understand why you’re so flippant…
You were talking with someone who mentioned BE positively in regard to Venezuela, so I was curious which video you were referring to. I’m also familiar with the subject of US influence on the Nazis, so no that’s not at all a bullshit subject. I’m saying I’m familiar with BE’s bullshit, writ large.
Sorry for the lack of clarification… my bad.