For example you write with your left hand and open the top of the can with your left hand.
With a manual can opener I use both hands, but my dominant hand turns the crank.
I wasn’t even thinking about a can opener, I was thinking about a beverage with the tab to open xD
lol - I didn’t even think of that. I still use my dominant hand to pop the tab.
That tells me you are right handed. Those can openers are built in such a way that they can’t be used the other way. Scissors too.
Hold the can opener with the hinged end pointing toward you with your right hand on the left side of the can, twist with left hand.
This guy lefts.
Ned Flanders has a left-hand store.
Do they do mail order?
I wonder what kind of can opener OP is talking about then?
His description implies the top of a soda can. Thus a pull tab top can.
Someone else interpreted the same way you are.
I still use my dominant hand.
I almost put no because a can opener isn’t my dominant hand
Try making one about which hand you use to cut with knife when holding both a knife and a fork or on which hand you wear a watch
I didn’t know if this is odd, but I cut with my right hand but also eat with my right hand, so I need to swap knife+fork back and forth as I eat.
Oh so you do it in 2 stages.
I just cut with my non-dominant ledt hand while holding the food with my dominant one (using the fork).
I also tend to wear watches on my non dominant hand, but almost never wear watches anyways
I feel like typically it’s the inverse whether or not the person is holding the can.
I write left handed, I do everything else right handed.