EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has said the bloc could “draw lessons” from the contested Italian policy of processing migrants offshore in Albania ahead of an EU summit focusing on migration.

She made the remarks in a letter to member states ahead of the meeting in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, where she said the European Commission would present a new proposal for legislation to increase deportations of migrants.

Von der Leyen - who is just starting a second five-year term as European Commission chief - appears to be responding to pressure on migration from across Europe.

In her letter to member states, she said the return rate of irregular migrants from EU countries is currently only about 20% - meaning the vast majority of people who are ordered to leave an EU member state do not.

    3 hours ago

    Meanwhile Italy is one of the oldest countries in the EU and the south of Italy is depopulating.

    In the long run the EU will collapse economically, simply because less workers and less consumers can keep it running. Also the retires that now try to keep out migrants will see their pensions dwindle as less people can pay for them, as well as they will lack access to health fnd general care.

    Migration is necessary for the EU countries to remain functioning.

      2 hours ago

      That’s under the current economic system, yes. If you want to use immigrants to sustain the current system, you’re just pushing the problem forward to a point where either Europe can’t offer any more room for immigrants or there are no immigrants left to migrate.

      We need tighter migration policies like we need an ibuprofen for a toothache.