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huh, we wasn’t cynically posturing for election purposes, he really wants to die on this hill :/
He pretty much did already.
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Sad but true. I really don’t understand why he is so adamant in his support for Netanyahu.
Because he’s a true believer who’s drunk the Zionism kool-aid.
Plus it probably helps that he’s received more money from AIPAC throughout his political career than his current net worth.
Because it’s self serving.
If Bibi is a war criminal for leveraging an admittedly horrible terrorist attack to commit horrendous atrocities, so is Joe Biden.
What the US did in the 2 decades post 9/11 is no better or worse than what Israel is doing now. Accountability for one means accountability for the other, and Biden doesn’t want to be held accountable.
What the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan was wrong, no doubt. There’s a lot of reasons for that, ranging from who was actually responsible for 9/11 to all the actual violence between the civilians and soldiers. But systematic extermination is NOT one of those reasons. What Israel is doing in Gaza is 1000x worse. Equating it to how the US conducted its affairs minimizes what’s actually happening, muddying the water and keeping people from feeling like they should actually be doing anything about it.
No, the only common point is the use of military force. How that force was and is used is on a completely different scale. America managed to do the Iraq war with an order of magnitude less civilian casualties when looked at proportionally. (Iraq is a much larger combat area with much larger demographics involved for both sides and civilians)
America also left Iraq with it’s own government and crucially, it respected Iraq’s wishes when they said to stop operating inside Iraq. In Afghanistan we even left because the Taliban told Trump to leave, regardless of the Afghan National Government’s stance on it and popular position of the people. Comparing that to starvation as a weapon, hollowing out civil services, and striking IDP camps with large munitions is just ridiculous.
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You can’t be an objectively decent leader if you materially support a Genocide while the entire world pleads with you to stop doing so.
He will be remembered like silent Cal, except instead of doing to little to combat the oncoming great depression, it will be doing to little to prevent fascism.
Even if he was objectively decent president.
umm… what ? how does burning kids alive makes him a decent president ? “lesser evil” yeah sure, but decent ?
i am even ignoring the pathetic state of working class rn and his incompetence in dealing with fascists.
Biden is a devout catholic, meaning he believes Isreal must be the home for all jews for the rapture to happen. Not enough people are talking about this. Even the most “normal” religious people are nut jobs that shouldn’t be in power.
I thought that was some evangelical sect crap. Roman catholics don’t believe in
rapture“the rapture”.Christianity at its foundation is an apocalyptic religion, more so in Mark than the later gospels but it’s there in all 4 of them and comes back in full force in revelations which are all part of the Catholic canonical Bible. The specific details of what the end times will look like beyond what it says in the Bible differs greatly between different sects of Christianity, but they all predict some sort of divine apocalypse.
The mythical narrative is humanity doomed itself (Adam and Eve committing original sin dooming their progeny), Jesus came and erased that doom (by sacrificing himself to himself), and said he’ll be back (within the apostles lifetime) to bring the end times and utopia for Christians.
Edit: Catholic doctrine regarding the apocalypse: https://www.catholic.com/encyclopedia/apocalypse
And some of the predictions attributed to Jesus in Matthew as signs of the end is nigh: https://www.catholic365.com/article/40494/decoding-the-signs-the-catholic-perspective-on-end-times.html
The Catholic Church does not believe Revelations is a prophecy. Here is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explainer.
The Book of Revelation cannot be adequately understood except against the historical background that occasioned its writing. Like Daniel and other apocalypses, it was composed as resistance literature to meet a crisis. The book itself suggests that the crisis was ruthless persecution of the early church by the Roman authorities; the harlot Babylon symbolizes pagan Rome, the city on seven hills (Rev 17:9). The book is, then, an exhortation and admonition to Christians of the first century to stand firm in the faith and to avoid compromise with paganism, despite the threat of adversity and martyrdom; they are to await patiently the fulfillment of God’s mighty promises. The triumph of God in the world of men and women remains a mystery, to be accepted in faith and longed for in hope. It is a triumph that unfolded in the history of Jesus of Nazareth and continues to unfold in the history of the individual Christian who follows the way of the cross, even, if necessary, to a martyr’s death.
The most we get as Catholics, if we bother the priests about it, is to not worry about it as long as we live properly. To try and bring it about or figure out when it would be is literally heresy.
It is, these guys are high on something.
That’s not really a Catholic thing. Catholics believe it will happen when it happens. They do not traffic in old testament prophesies. I grew up in East Coast Catholicism and after Sunday School we never heard about the rapture again.
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Seems or entire government does. How much shady shit does isreal do for our country? Our official imports and exports don’t really look that dramatic.
Our intelligence community rebelled as much as possible several times. They even released a report telling everyone that Israel was lying. Newspapers spun it to be something that’s too vague to tell. But the “level” they assessed the Israeli claims at is actually the lowest level, completely unsupportable and/or directly contradicted by evidence. It’s certainly not high enough confidence to be used as the basis for a national strategy. At most it’s the level where you send a small team to get more evidence. Instead Biden repeated these lies every time, sometimes even after they had been publicly debuked.
USAID straight up leaked to ProPublica that they assessed a systemic war crime of blocking food aid and that they had reported this fact to Blinken, the Sec. of State, before he publicly said Israel was not committing war crimes and could receive more military aid.
It’s not the entire government, it’s 3 people. Biden who is ordering the shipments. And then Blinken and Sullivan (National Security Advisor, all intel flows through him) are rubber stamping Israeli reports and blocking any official recognition of war crimes. And this is not a case of Sullivan keeping facts from Biden. We know this because there are leaked reports of Biden being mad at Netanyahu for not doing his stuff quietly enough.
It’s fucking 2002 all over again except this time it’s a Democrat in charge of lying to the country on a massive scale.
It’s a whole lot more than just 3 people. Trump has already said he backs isreal and so has most of the senate, it seems. Isreal has both parties.
Oh there’s a cheering section for sure. But those 3 are the ones preventing our existing laws against giving military aid to war criminals from operating. The government itself, the people who actually work in it, has been trying to sound the alarm for most of 2024.
Israel is the world leader in spyware and surveillance software. All the cameras, drones, contact-free checkpoints, and automated guns on the Gaza perimeter? IIRC, Elbit is making them on the southern US border.
Gaza, West Bank, and southern Lebanon are proof of concept for dealing with climate crisis.
At this point Im not gonna worry what hill so long as he chooses to die on it. Good riddance.
Oh I absolutely believe he’s saying what’s in his heart on this.
He’s about as establishment as they get. And he doesn’t believe establishment leaders are accountable for criminal charges over things that look like “war.”
If the 2024 election wasn’t clue enough: people don’t give a shit about preserving establishment norms anymore and are ready to throw the entire thing in the crapper - some argue that voters already did exactly that.
Fuck you, Biden. Shit like this is what just opened the door to Project 2025.
Nope, they lost because they blindly support the billionaires over everyday people. Israel is a tiny symptom of the real problem, which is the concentration of wealth.
They bailed out the teamsters pension fund and had to fight Republicans tooth and nail to do it — didnt even result in am endorsement and majority of teamsters still voted GOP.
CHIP act made Arizona flush with manufacturing and construction jobs, still voted GOP.
The reason Democrats lose is because they have to campaign against a made-up Republican that is normal and reasonable and Republicans get to campaign against the Oberlin faculty lounge instead of Democrats
Yet they never tackled the monopolies in the healthcare, food and housing industries responsible for the cost of living crisis, which cost them the election.
Earlier they lost because they didn’t support workers, now they lost because they didn’t break up every food, healthcare, and housing company.
I imagine if they did break those companies up and still lost you’d find another aspect of the party that isn’t to to your liking and pin the blame on that going on and on and on.
If improving people’s material conditions worked, the Democrats would win every teamster or every person who relies on the ACA for their healthcare would vote Democrat and they don’t.
The reality is that democrats lose because a huge chunk of voters spend 2 hours a day listening to the voice of a guy who sounds like their dad, telling them that Democrats only care about the gays or the blacks or the browns, and even if you think the republicans are weird religious freaks - at least their cruelty is good for the economy. They hear this idea repeated to them over and over and over and over again and when that happens the human mind starts to assume it’s the truth.
No argument that the Democrats focused on unimportant rhetoric. And the lies were damaging, because they were positioned as defending the status quo.
The best way to support workers is to prevent their exploitation
Have a listen to AOCs interviews of her supporters who voted Trump, as well as the swing voters who stayed away. It goes a long way to explain why 20million dem voters stayed away.
No, they get 2 hours a day of that and then when they do get Democrat messaging it’s so out of touch as to be laughable. The idea that people are just too dumb to vote Democrat is insulting at best but self defeating in reality. The GOP knows how to get votes.
Crumbs will not be tolerated any longer. Universal Health, Universal Education, Universal Housing. What people want is clear. The message could not have been any louder. They have trouble feeding their family, and Biden is busy taking victory laps whining about why people can’t see what a good job he’s done. While rent and food are doubling for the large knot of Americans stuck in the 35-40k dollar income segment.
They don’t want to hear excuses, and they don’t want crumbs. Politicians have the power to knock down any and all barriers to re-aligning the economy. Instead the democrats chose to play to the upper middle class, and donors. They went sharp right and only announced progressive policies when they were losing ground in the polls. People noticed that and knew those promises were as good as Biden’s. (toilet paper)
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Por que no los dos?
Ambos son parte del mismo problema.
Donde esta la biblioteca?
He welcomes Trump with open arms, and acts like a lame duck. But can still get fired up to defend war criminals and try to stop Bernie’s move to block arms shipments. I don’t even know what to say.
You say what was obvious from the start. Democrats were never going to stop the genocide in Gaza.
Trump will help Bibi finish off the Palestinians entirely without Biden’s modest pretense of pretending to give a shit about a two-state solution
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The man is getting senile, he works on knee jerk reactions as if it’s the 70’s.
Maybe I’m soft but I find the dead and starving children to be slightly more outrageous
How anti-semitic!
“Were there not an Israel, the United States would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”
Israel is good for 2 things, as far as 60% of Congress is concerned: destabilizing Muslim countries to prevent a strong coalition from forming, and donating money to US politicians. What’s a little genocide in the face of that?
That’s far too generous. At the very most, 10% of congress is on the right side of history when it comes to America’s favorite fascist apartheid regime.
The public in general is closer to 65-35 the opposite direction.
That may be true, but only 60% of congress is receiving Israeli bribes. Hence the number I chose.
Again, overly generous. Almost all of them are either receiving bribes from them or running against someone who is in both primary and general elections. 60% is hella optimistic.
60% is hella optimistic.
It’s hyperbolic, actually. According to opensecrets.org, the actual number is only 52.5%. Of course, I’m sure that there’s some back-room deals that aren’t recorded publicly, and so the number is higher than that. 60% seems like a good, round, umbrella-like figure.
Israel is an Islamic hate sponge that allows US huge force projection within the ME.
He’s at the end of his career, doesn’t need the money to fight the zionists propaganda, so that means he actually believes this.
OR like I suspected before, Israel houses A LOT of secret US intelligence and defense capabilities
Yes this. The US isn’t shy to back genocides done to secure control of territories held by US friendly regimes. It’s kinda their thing really
In Israel it’s legal for companies to sell computer exploits to nation states and other actors like corporations. A lot of ex military from the u.s. work for these companies in Israel.
Time to send them all letters to tell them they have to stop doing that or risk their security clearance. Working for war criminals without being on orders from the CIA is very frowned upon.
Israel has one base with a radar station that could easily be in Jordan. That’s it. The majority of US assets are in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain.
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Fuck me, that’s some selective outrage there.
Outrageous! How the fuck are we supposed to murder, rob, subjugate, steal, and run our modern-day slave empires if the ICC can just go and arrest people all willy-nilly and shit?
Doesn’t really matter what he thinks, since the US ain’t part of the ICC. What’s pathetic is countries being part of the ICC, condemning the arrest warrants.
And this is why you lost the election. You never fucking learn, do you?
He, Hillary, and Pelosi need to retire and enjoy doing something else than screwing up with America
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People don’t learn at that age. Most people actually don’t learn that well after their mid-20s.
BTW, I thought they do, until I’ve read that this is too an autistic trait - one’s ability to learn degrades much slower, till maybe 40s. Guess I am a r*tard after all.
We know what you think genocide Joe.
Fuck you Joe Biden for sending my country off a cliff all because facilitating a genocide was more important to you than providing my generation a future.
dude how about you go and personally strangle Palestinian kids yourself? just get it out of your system, you petrified leather demon.
Joe Biden is literally the Grandpa in the joke “Grandpa died peacefully in his sleep. Everyone else on the bus he was driving died screaming.” Grandpa needs to just shut the fuck up and go away already.
I’m surprised it didn’t happen years ago. I’m also outraged that no u.s president has been tried
Where does a 600 pound gorilla sit?
US foreign policy:
Wherever the fuck he wants. Whatcha gonna do about it?