Maybe they hired the wrong person for the job. This could happen with any worker no matter their country of origin.
Maybe they’re a shit manager whose expectations are not clear and who provides no training.
Maybe the employee is going through something at home that is impacting their work. It’s a good manager’s responsibility to know their workers and give them grace.
Racism is just a lazy person’s excuse for not analyzing the complexities of the situation.
Racism doesn’t reduce complexity, it introduces complexity.
If you take two independent things, and then invent a rule to connect them. It’s strictly additional complexity
And then for some reason people try and combat it by layering on ADDITIONAL complexity. “Have you considered there might be circumstances you are unaware of?” Like, now we’ve gone from two unrelated things that we’ve invented a relationship for to that plus some unobserved moral “dark matter” which we can’t see but postulate could exist.
The simplest solution is the best.
“Hey we’ve got the laziest middle Easterners working for us, they’re all so shitty”
“Yeah sounds like they’re shitting the bed at work. Don’t think it has anything to do with where they’re from, though”
Idk the simplest solution seems to be “my company keeps hiring lazy people, what does the screening / interview process look like? Why do we keep fucking up on the people we’re hiring?”
The solution I was referring to was disrupting malformed logic in thought patterns (racism).
Reconsider my original premise:
“Hey we’ve got the laziest middle Easterners working for us, they’re all so shitty”
If you respond with “The real question is why does the company hire shitty people?”
You’re not refuting the malformed logic. You’re not disrupting the thought pattern. You’re introducing new variables and shifting blame.
Carry that logic forward from the point of view of the person asking the question, they’ll say “wow, you’re right: we should stop hiring people from the middle east”
Which, I would assume isn’t the direction you intended to steer someone’s thinking.
Again, it isn’t complicated and it’s stilly to make it complicated. This person observes two things and then connects the two as being related (quality of worker vs skin colour). They just aren’t related. That’s it. If they’re a bad worker they’re a bad worker, why ask someone to reject what they’re seeing with their own eyes? It just isn’t BECAUSE of skin colour.
It quite literally is the malformed logic being: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Nowhere else in logic do people refute that fallacy by trying to introduce new mitigating arguments. It’s fundamentally flawed from the outset and can be directly refuted.
That’s a lot of words to justify being racist.
It’s impossible to “refute the malformed logic” that not all Indian people are lazy bad workers because that argument is just a) factually incorrect unless, as I said, they attempted to work with all Indian people available to them, and b) made, I would argue in bad faith.
You’re going to have to explain to me how it’s justifying racism to say that someone being a bad worker and the colour of one’s skin are completely unrelated to one another.
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If I talk about some white man I hired, and I said he sucked, that is also racism?
It is if you specifically mentioned that he’s white, yes. The problem is that you’re openly stating your biases as being important to the story. However your biases are exactly that, biased. You don’t know if they’re relevant or not, but you feel it necessary to say anyway. That’s prime prejudice. You don’t know their education, history, family life, economic situation, or any number of other factors that could come in to play. But you assign importance and blame to the fact they’re Indian. Racist.
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But you skipped over 100 other qualities they shared and instantly focused on their race. The fact that you don’t even realize your bias is what makes is so pervasive. You don’t even realize you did it, and here you are arguing that you’re not responsible.
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Yes you should say that person you hired sucked or did not meet your expectations for the job.
Not all information is cleared away, the information pertinent to the performance of the job remains, which should be the only information that matters when the topic of discussion is someone’s job performance.
Unless, that is, you’ve met and tested the performance of every white guy available to you. Otherwise you’re painting people with the same brush. X type of people are Y is racist thinking.
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“Gross Incompetence of specifically Indian Immigrants”
He says:
No offence… but they are just so stupid
I also lead a team offshore in India and work with many of them
It’s not “just this one guy” - he’s painting ALL Indian immigrants (plural) based on his experience with this ONE guy, and the offshore team he has worked with.
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Yes, in order to justify the point of view that ALL Indian immigrants are stupid.
It’s in the title my guy.
If I were to say I refuse to hire people who like Matt Walsh, because in my point of view they’re all dumbfucks, that’s discrimination. It’s why we have laws in the West against that sort of thing. It works both ways for identities and points of view you subscribe to.
It’s just a more complex answer than “it’s just an opinion man.” That’s 1950s thinking - and yeah it was a simpler time because white men owned almost everything in the West and everyone else could go fuck themselves.
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Sounds racist to me.
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When they call all Indian immigrants incompetent because they work with a couple Indian people who suck, that’s textbook racist.
Otherwise, I could call all white people stupid, all Latinos insecure and lazy and all black people pushy. But, I don’t because I know their race, color or many other unrelated traits have fuck all to do with one person’s performance.
If you’re generalizing about a population based a few people, you are racist.
Based your other comments, you are pretty damn racist. Time for a look in the mirror.
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Oh, fuck off.
Nobody is arguing that opinions aren’t allowed.
They shared their experience in racist terms. There’s no reason to bring up that they’re Indian. Your dating example is stupid and it would be sexist. How thick are you?
Generalization is bad.
You’re racist. Face it and deal with it.
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but like this racist shit, right?
I will NOT like it.
Yep it sure does.
Seeing a ton of online racism targeted at Indians recently. Like, an unnatural spike.
Reddit is filled with losers
Report and see if he eats a ban, or continues to post.
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I wonder if this is remote work.
There is a big uptick in qualified, competent people interviewing for a job and then SOMEONE ELSE doing the job. This has nothing to do with any region or ethnicity. It’s just an issue that teams are facing with remote work.
The management should do their due diligence to make sure they hire the right person and train the new-hire appropriately.
I can guess the postal code.
Sorry but sometimes the truth seems racist. I was working at a OPG solar farm and in - 30c there were 2 middle Easterners not dressed for the weather and not doing ANY work. Months on end they would just sit down and do nothing all day. And when ya asked them they would say, were doing a good thing by “working” there.
Sorry but sometimes racism seems like the truth to racists.
In my last job, my manager said something along the lines of, “Client X is a cheapskate. It’s not socially appropriate, but I know [stereotype] are all cheapskates.”
I asked why is it a problem that they’re asking for the lowest price.
Thats when someone said, “My wife is [stereotype] and she buys expensive things.”
Of which, without even switching, went, “Yeah but she’s a woman. I mean [stereotype] men are cheapskates.” And everyone nodded in agreement.
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So why is that you picked Indian as being the common attribute among them? Why didn’t you say “a few married workers were terrible”, or “workers with 3 kids”, or “people over 50”? Why did you instantly jump to them being Indian to be the single defining attribute?
THAT is prime racism.
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Right, but they were also under 6’ tall. Or were politically left-leaning. Or had dark hair. Or whatever other things they might share. Why didn’t you emphasize that? Did it even cross your mind that maybe the socio-economic background might have more influence on their work ethic than what country they happened to be born in?
You didn’t even think twice about any of those factors and settled firmly on “Indian” as the single defining thing among them. That’s racism buried so deep you don’t even recognize it.
I feel a bit bad for people like you. The first step in becoming a better person is recognizing your biases, accepting them, and trying to overcome them. You’re just in utter denial.
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You’re so racist that you think racism is common place and don’t understand what it is.
It’s about the way it’s phrased. If you imply that the cause of their incompetence is the fact that they are Indian, well yeah that’s racist.
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I appreciate that someone gets it. I am the least racist person, I know plenty of useless Canadians too and have worked with useless Americans too
“Don’t worry guys, I’m equally racist to everyone so it’s okay! Trust me bro.”
I dont rhink you understand racism.
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