Elon Musk’s latest legal filing against OpenAI marks his fourth attempt in less than a year to reframe his claims. However, his own words and actions speak for themselves—in 2017, Elon not only wanted, but actually created, a for-profit as OpenAI’s proposed new structure. When he didn’t get majority equity and full control, he walked away and told us we would fail. Now that OpenAI is the leading AI research lab and Elon runs a competing AI company, he’s asking the court to stop us from effectively pursuing our mission.

  • Arghblarg@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    A pox on BOTH their houses, so far as I’m concerned.

    It’s snake-oil posing as AI. Hallucinating BS answers confidently, hidden in some occasional truthful content; content stolen from creators everywhere to train their models.