In the year 2057, a greedy CEO takes control of the Earth, and it’s up to his rebellious daughter and a cyberpunk hacker to save mankind.
- the link from above:
- another link, this is the one I watched: but looks like it’s only available in Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, and United States of America (the other one is unrestricted)
- I think this is the link if you want to pay to watch it:
- some behind-the-scenes video from the moviemakers:
- the trailer:
This is not a big-budget movie by any means. It looks like it was made by 2-3 people and their friends. But they did a really good job with what they had.
The premise is basic Elysium: the rich people live in space and the rest of us are down here. There’s a post-COVID plague going around. A hacker surrepitously gets involved with someone on the space station, and things proceed as you might expect. So the plot is nothing special, but the actors do a good job of it. I was gaming while I watched this, and a couple times I actually paused the game to re-play a scene that caught my interest.
I’m mostly impressed that it’s not terrible. Sure, the special effects are low-budget and a lot of the props are… er… hacked together. But when you’re making these movies, it’s so easy to make mistakes that makes things unwatchable, and that doesn’t happen here. This could be on Syfy or something (if that’s still around?) Plus, it’s free on youtube, so if you have a robust anti-ad strategy it’s worth checking out.
2057 until a CEO takes control of earth? Bit optimistic IMO.
Plus there’s anything left worth taking over!
I dunno…
33 years to go.