From faster approvals to hiring more workers, governments need to step up: experts

Peter Armstrong · CBC News

      1 year ago

      That is absolutely not true. Tokyo famously has some of the most affordable real estate of any major world city. You can buy a spacious detached home in the Tokyo area for less than in Hamilton, ON. Despite the stereotype, Japanese homes are bigger than the average in most European countries.

      Montreal has had the most affordable housing of the big Canadian cities. Why? Because they have the least land restricted to single family homes. Check out this zoning map. Even now, Montreal has three times the housing starts of Vancouver.

      The reason why we build shoeboxes is because we preserve single family home zoning. Super high density towers, or super low density suburbs, the two most expensive forms of housing with nothing in between. To tackle affordability, we need missing middle housing. And I totally disagree about using up space: suburban sprawl sucks. I want to live in charming medium density!

          1 year ago

          I honestly don’t know where you’re getting your information from. Homes in Tokyo are famously very affordable, and units are bigger than in comparable cities like New York or Paris. This is very well known in the urban planning community, so it goes to show you’re new at this topic and making things up.

          Montreal has had a growing population for years. The Francophonie is huge and Montreal is a popular destination. Your anti-French bigotry is showing. Last time they had a speculation bubble in the early 2000s, they quickly built more affordable medium density supply and the bubble receded.

              1 year ago

              Talking to someone like you, who is “doing their own research” is infuriating and pointless. It is impossible to convince someone who just rejects mainstream research and misinterprets information “on their own”.

              Your personal research on this topic is wrong. House prices shot up everywhere in the world due to the pandemic, but less in Tokyo than elsewhere. Population went down in cities everywhere in the world due to the pandemic and WFH, so acting like this is some trend of decreasing population in Tokyo is just deeply ignorant. New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, all had a decrease in population due to the pandemic.

              affordable doesn’t mean “cheaper” it means “cheaper as a percentage of income”

              I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. That is precisely how Tokyo is more affordable than Canada. Housing prices are WAY less than half of New York. It’s truly remarkable that you think New York is more affordable than Tokyo!

              I also lived in Japan and speak the language fluently, and I met a lot of people like you who barely spoke the language and came back home acting like experts. Here is a $1.18 million USD home in Meguro city. It is over 2300 square feet! Garage, terrace, three large bedrooms, and way more nearby amenities than most Canadian cities. Also, this is freaking Tokyo! Comparing it to Hamilton is ridiculous. And yet, it’s still more affordable!

              Affordable housing doesn’t exist for one simple reason, there are too many owners who benefit from using their housing as an investment.

              And not ever because there is not enough housing?? After WW2, Canada built tons of new homes for returning vets. Are you saying housing would have been JUST AS affordable if we didn’t? That’s such a ridiculous idea, I don’t know how someone could believe it. Yes, make it hard to treat housing as an investment, but we also need people like you to stop obstructing supply.

                  1 year ago

                  How can you say we’re in this mess due to mainstream research when we are not following mainstream research! That makes no sense.

                  Oh my sweet Jesus, did you post the metro population of various cities and claim that the population of those cities never went down?? The metro population of Tokyo also never went down! Yikes, your whole comment is a mess!

                  No housing expert or urban economist agrees with you that we have sufficient housing, but I give up trying to reason with you. Have a good day!