The woman puts the apples right next to each other so that they touch.
Then she precisely cuts off 1/4 of both apples in one stroke.
Each man then takes one of the apples, while the woman gets the 2 quarter pieces.That way the woman gets 2/3 as much as a man, while doing all the work.
Lmao I thought you were stupid for a second, nice setup
Cut through both apples in one stroke so you take 1/3rd off each.
Or kill the middle dude, he looks shady anyways. Who only has one eyebrow??
The girl also has only one eyebrow. So the only one who does not fit is the left dude who has no eyebrows. He is already sweating, knowing it will be him.
They both have two eyebrows, but through their confusion, the right brow has climbed into the hair… blondies have vanished all together.
With a single swing of the knife, strike them with the knife’s flat side and launch both apples into the center of a nearby ant hill. No one gets any apples. We are now equal.
The fuck is this, the giants knife that it breaks after a single cut
Kill the lady so they can’t reproduce throwing off the ratio, also when the guys find out their are no more women you will double the fruit in the room.
Place the apples together, I mean on a straight line. Use the Knife to cut the middle of both. It divides into 4 pieces, take one each, and I take the last one.
You position the apple so that cutting a straight line across both apples removed 1/3 of each apple so there are 2- 2/3 piece of apples and 2-1/3 pieces so everyone gets 2/3 of an apple. This is basic math and logic
Yeah, but it does not occur to me easily. Because in practice, I would not be able to guess where to cut a sphere to get exactly 1/3. And that is without taking the core into account…
So my brain initially discarded that option without thinking about it.