Test post
Is that what substrate cooling means?
Oh lord no. My eyes!
Legendary domain name
@imaqtpie it’s just named after musk’s bad joke
Oh, idk what you’re referring to and I don’t care to find out, I try to avoid ever hearing anything about that dude if I can avoid it.
It made me think of Louis CK 😳
The reply on masturbated.one (the Mastodon instance) has an embedded image with the reference. It’s strange that it didn’t make it into the Lemmy comment.
Didn’t the LTT YouTube channel do this and show the system still works?
Not to say that you should do this though.
Yeah, thermal paste is non-conductive by design. As long as the pins get contact in the socket it should be fine.
That just depends on the contents of each specific thermal paste. It can contain silver, making it potentially conductive.
Are they using helman’s mayo for thermal paste? And under the CPU at that?
What’re we testing?
@tacosanonymous i created post to see, if it gets to my feed. But it did not :(
But i’m getting comments to other posts in feed, which is a bit strange
@linuxmemes а как подписаться на группу из мастодона? Я вижу только репосты локальных постов в lemmy, но не мастодоновых
@mittorn щёлкнуть в меншн, попасть в профиль и нажать кнопочку “Подписаться”?
test comment, please ignore
Well shit
Russians have infiltrated linux memes
My comment federated back to them. Linux memes have infiltrated The Masturbated One.
Are we ok with Russians flooding in? I feel like that is a double edged sword.
Let’s not pass judgment on an entire nationality based on the crimes of their head of state and his hand-picked government officials. Otherwise I’d have to ask you if you’re ok with Americans, Chinese, Koreans, et cetera flooding in, by the same standard. Double edged sword and all.
If you mean “Russians” as in “Russian-speaking monolingual”… that would be a valid point. I’d like to keep the community as primarily English, but might not be able to keep foreign language posts and comments out. I’ll have to think about it, and I’m open to input regarding languages.
@dside @linuxmemes да, только вот мне в ленту не попадают посты кроме локальных леммивских. Это с моей стороны баг или у всех так?
@mittorn я на @linuxmemes не подписан, но на странице группы на MML1 как минимум твой пост имеется.
@dside @linuxmemes о, у меня начали посты отображаться. Но как-то выборочно, как мне кажется
@mittorn возможно, обычные задержки федерации, посты по федерации безотносительно групп доходят не мгновенно, а очереди с ними могут обрабатываться в разных темпах, из-за чего порядок появления может быть не хронологическим. Что запутывает, конечно :blobcatsad: