The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LACSD) committed wholesale abuse of sensitive criminal justice databases in 2023, violating a specific rule against searching the data to run background checks for concealed carry firearm permits.The sheriff’s department’s 6,789 abuses made up a majority…

    1 month ago
    • 761 investigations of CLETS misuse, resulting in findings of at least 7,635 individual violations of the system’s rules
    • 55 officer suspensions, 50 resignations, and 42 firings related to CLETS misuse
    • six misdemeanor convictions and one felony conviction related to CLETS misuse

    These are not terrible numbers - 92 people have been essentially axed over it. I guess it would be hard to know how well they have taken care of the problem unless we know the percent of individual violations that are accounted for in the above numbers.