Tell me your grievances and criticisms and also I spend a lot of time on the Internet so tell me what type of news you would like me to post although I will continue to post political material as well.

    1 year ago

    Here’s some constructive criticism. Stop posting unverified claims that serve no purpose but to stir up more hate. I just saw your post about how Biden was solely responsible for inflation, and when pressed for more info, you just said “I’ll post more info but I need a few days” and “I used to fact check, but now I don’t have time, so I just post shit that’s completely unsubstantiated and let other people decide if it’s true or not.” Hint, it’s probably not. At least not in the completely biased way that you’re presenting it. If you honestly do want this place to be a source of news then actually do something to make it that way. Otherwise, this is nothing more than just another echo chamber, and God knows the internet is not in short supply of those at this time.