Please include a brief description of the nominated instance, why it should be removed from the allow-list or added to the block-list, and include a link to the instance. Off-topic comments will be removed.

If an instance is already nominated please do not create another top-level comment, reply to that other nomination with your comment and upvote to show your desire to defederate.

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    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      11 months ago

      I already 100% supported this when you first brought it up, but i have to repeat this after having had another run-in with one of their usual mysogynist debatebro pigs earlier who was getting off about “dishonorable” sex workers on Fuck lemmygrad, it’s become a reactionary shithole full of redditor brainrot. Fuck federation in its entirity, this thing has been a total shit show. Defederate from everything, i don’t want this site to become micro reddit.