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There’s one in your ear, apparently.
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Foolish Theseus! I built the entire labyrinth out of string!
I love this one; I have it saved on my phone.
It’s probably less awkward than other oglafs if someone were looking at pictures and found it.
It’s by far my favorite. I almost wanna build a d&d campaign around it.
Of course the labyrinth constructor would have to be the bad guy.
I see you getting rid of that NSFW tag 😏
Yeah, I default to marking everything NSFW that I post here because I’ve forgotten a few times and annoyed people. When I remember to check the comic and make sure it’s SFW, I unmark it as NSFW
I do appreciate that. I have nsfw filtered (for the porn) but then a lot of other good stuff is caught in the crossfire