Silk brand is made in the USA. Earth’s own is Canadian.
Retailers really need to start removing American products from the shelves, or there’s going to be a lot of food waste and lost profits.
I don’t care whether they do or not, since I’ll only buy Canadian and NotAmerican™️from now on, but it would be nice not to have to see American goods when I get groceries.
Retailers get paid a product placement fee for this. This is how the big players keep smaller brands out of stores.
No way they will turn down money. Just don’t purchase it and advocate for clearer labelling for food products.
Retailers get paid a product placement fee for this.
That will only get them so far… if people aren’t actually buying those products then product brands won’t have incentive to keep paying retailers.
In turn, retailers won’t have incentive to have their shelves filled with products that are being thrown out and/or not selling.
For better or worse, retailers need to adapt quickly to market demand, and nobody wants to buy American products.
Give smaller, local brands a chance. Label products accordingly. Promote Canadian over NotAmerican, but still carry products from allied countries. Don’t gouge people while doing all that.
Not only that, but cooler/freezer space is premium in grocery stores. If the American product isn’t selling through, then there will be lots of pressure to replace it with something that sells.
How it goes in my part of the world, the retailer doesn’t give a shit about sales as their margins are very low and most money comes from placement. They usually don’t pay for unsold inventory.
Might be diferent in Canada though.
Good luck getting the Weston’s to not be total dicks. Personally I’m lucky that we have an independent grocery store and they carry mostly local produce and meats, honey, and then lots of stuff comes from Europe which is great for cheeses, and such.
We’ve been shopping at a Metro owned store for lack of better options (maybe the lesser of the evils…), but have absolutely been looking for smaller, independent shops for quite a few items that I might have otherwise ordered from Amazon or Walmart.
I think that by the end of the year, my entire way of buying and consuming products would have changed dramatically (for the better) as I source new companies, new brands, alternatives, etc.
So much of our system is being exposed right now. We can’t even get exposed to new brands and companies/competitors! Everything has a bribe and a middle man.
Thanks for mentioning this issue. I already knew this but I connected for the first time how negative it makes me feel.
We need to consider outlawing these sort of deals or limit them in some way.
I’m not big on more regulation and think we just need to change habits and let the market sort itself out.
A clear example of this is the Beer Stores in Ontario that are now closing up shop after their monopoly was ended. These guys had a monopoly and refused to let craft brewers into the store as it competed with their brands. The LCBO started carrying craft beers but you had to buy individuals which was great cause you get a mixer pack of stuff you like and maybe try one or two new beers. Fast forward many years and the business decision to exclude craft beers was their downfall.
Obviously Loblaws won’t go out of business but they need x$/square foot and don’t care how they get it. if US products are only delivering placement fees they will be dropped or moved to the bottom shelf. Things will work themselves out.
I get really upset when meat goes to waste. Like, I’m not even a vegetarian, but it’s still so fucked up to slaughter a creature for its meat and then turn around and throw that into a landfill because it didn’t sell.
This would be a great time for Canadian meat eaters to buy Canadian legumes and transition to a plant-based diet! Win for everyone 😁
They were produced in Ontario up until January, but now Silk and International Delight have been moved to US production.
Can anyone suggest a creamer alternative? Lol I guess we could switch to Canadian cream, but it doesn’t tend to come in hazelnut flavour
Are there any official numbers out yet about how well these protests are going? It’s easy to feel like change is happening when you are surrounded by like-minded people. As a USian I have been absolutely shocked by how much apathy and inaction I am surrounded by because “it doesn’t affect me personally”.
Friends who work in retail are constantly getting asked the origin of products now, seems like it’s actually wide spread
Apathy is a defining characteristic of an American. I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of people where I live absolutely will not purchase a single American good. All the grocery stores are pulling American food off the shelves. The ones that stay on have warning labels near them that they come from the US.
The Canadian products are very well labelled. They’ve changed how they stock items to hide the American goods (if there are any left).
Even our own local grocery store Facebook pages have to disable comments because of the anger they get for the few remaining American products on the shelves (now majorly discounted since they’re nearing their expiry dates).
I haven’t seen this much change since COVID but even our lunatics are against America (save for our very special 15% or so of the population who aren’t fully conscious).
You will be made to feel pain and it won’t stop after any tariffs are lifted (if they ever get lifted). America and American is a dirty word now even to apolitical everyday Canadians. Y’all have permanently lost an ally/acquaintance.
You’ve got no cards here, America. Now say thank you and sorry.
I’m certain of one thing, American media is going to downplay and try to hide as much of this as they can from the citizens to pretend everything is perfectly fine, they aren’t going to publish any stats on this or else face the wrath of the Fourth Reich. The average American doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world or politics or anything like that, so this is going to hit like a tidal wave. I’m sadly seeing the same as you, but it hasn’t surprised me, ever since 2016 I’ve come to know that humans have no maximum capacity for ignorance, greed, or hatred.
It’s everywhere actually. US garbage fake food products are getting placed closest to the floor in grocery stores. Getting turned upside down. Everyone is chatty to one another in stores warning to not buy American anything. It’s so much morenwidespread than a few photos on the internet.
Earths Own is 1000% better than any other brand anyways
My local store stopped stocking their soy milk a year so ago. They have a really good mixed oat/bean milk that I love though
I find their oat milk just does not foam worth a damn though unfortunately for us cappuccino and caffè latte lovers
Have you tried their Batista stuff? It foams like I’d expect dairy to, I use a electric frother as I don’t have an espresso machine (I use an aeropress to make espresso-esque coffee), it’s super persistent foam too.
earth’s own is straight up the best one anyway
I’m so glad it’s the one I already buy. It’s way better than silk.
Adding to the pile, Earth’s Own is significantly better
I originally only ever had any of these for my cereal and coffee because of lactose intolerance but earths own I just drink as is a lot of the time
Malicious compliance. Someone probably said they can’t remove the product due to some kind of contract, I’m assuming.
That contract would also have display requirements that wouldn’t allow this. Often reps from these companies come in to the stores and do their own product management on the shelves, turning and presenting them attractively to the consumer. You can sometimes see someone in a branded outfit who doesn’t work for the store messing with the stock.
Oh I know about merch standards, I’ve worked for companies that do it. Doesn’t mean the individual stores don’t ignore them. This is a “oh woops those darn customers protesting” type excuse that’s slightly more tolerated then “I moved all your product to the back.”
Meh…Earths Own is using US almonds in its products and US Oats in some
Natura is Canadian oats and soy and spanish almonds.
Where is that brand sold?
Earth’s Own is such a better tasting product than Silk that I would never consider Silk even without the ongoing issues with the US.
I’ve had to grab Silk a few times in the past before Earth’s Own was fully established at my local store and they sold out a few times. Silk tastes like sugar water with an offputting chemical taste.
Silk also had contamination issues. While Earth’s Own was fine.
Look at all those eggs… Invade Canada?
I would certainly appreciate that.
Fuck Silk. I bought two boxes, then the next day it turns out they were contaminated with listeria. Earth’s Own is good enough.
I mean, if you subscribe to the food recalls email list you’ll realize that you’re missing tons of recalls that happen every day for products that come from all over the place…
Be honest that while I’d still buy earth’s own if it wasn’t as good, I don’t find that at all, personally I like it better, their barista stuff is great too (but I totally just use the plain stuff most of the time)
That’s a great idea!
Fight on, Canada.
I do this to Goya beans in America. Fuck Trump.