Gaza has 2 million inhabitants, 42.3% of which are 14 and younger. Anyone else a little bit worried?

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    1 year ago

    This is just the price of liberation. No one said this would be easy. Just look at the casualty count of the Algerians and Vietnamese vs their colonizers. But the price of liberation means nothing without comparing it to the price of occupation. Gaza is nothing more than a giant concentration camp. Their complete extermination would have been inevitable had they not fight back.

    Palestinian militants have seized the opportunity in the wake of Western weakness (the Ukraine counteroffensive completely floundering, the French getting kicked out of the Sahel) to launch their assault. “But Hamas gave the Zionists the mandate to exterminate them!” As if the Zionists ever needed a mandate to ethnically cleanse Palestinians with the open support of the international communityTM. If the Zionists could get away with the Nakba, they could get away with anything. It turns out you don’t actually need an excuse to ethnically cleanse people if you have the means to do so. Just look at Azerbaijan ethnically cleansing Nagorno-Karabakh.

    So why have the Zionists waited until now to finally implement the Final Solution to the Gazan question? Why not 2021? Was Hamas and other militants shooting thousands of rockets throughout Israel including Tel Aviv in 2021 somehow not mandateTM worthy? They’re speeding up the “put the people of Gaza to the sword and salt the soil so that nothing grows there for a thousand years” timetable because they are desperate, and they are desperate because behind the bluster, they are weak.

    Those conscripts won’t know what hit them when they set foot in Gaza.