• Anon2971@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Calling people names for not joining a protest is polite?

    Please don’t start behaving like 4channers doing a raid. We’re better than that. Reddit are in the wrong, but DMing subreddit mods “join our protest” and calling them names before they can reply is definitely harassment-like behaviour. Don’t do that. It doesn’t help the cause, it just makes us look petty and immature.

    It’s obvious certain major subeddits are being ran by Reddit staff or staff associates, so of course they’re going to avoid a protest critical of their CEO out of fear and self-preservation. There is no point trying to convince the already decided.

    If you want to convince anyone, message the smaller subs that seem like they won’t be easily influenced by Reddit administrators. Give them detailed information. Whenever it comes to any kind of protest, communicating your issues respectfully is important or the other side won’t listen to your points. This protest will lose respect quickly if we start behaving like angry trolls.

    • cfx_4188@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Freedom also implies freedom of choice. While Reddit is free, they decided to disable third-party apps and mobile browsers. Let me see, that’s exactly what Google did in its day, Whatsapp before Meta bought it ,And Facebook. Are you sure you don’t use everything I listed? So why does Reddit excite you so much?

    • Thaliff@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Scab is a term used when someone crosses a picket line when workers are on strike. I think it’s appropriate, they are just over-sensitive.