Can’t wait to start this up, if only to hear that amazing title music
Agreed, the music is fantastic, and young me used to sit on the title screen for hours to listen to this as background noise (there was no YouTube back then).
I did my replay of both games last year and they still hold up so well. This will be great for persons who never got to experience it.
Still need a remake/remaster, Nintendo!
i don’t know that music anymore…but i’m exited to learn that about this game again.
May I interest you in a fun twist on the Golden Sun 1 Battle Theme? This is Smooth McGroove’s a cappella version. If you have 3:35 minutes to listen, check it out.
YouTube link:
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Nice version, thx
Sweet! Hopefully it becomes an even bigger cult classic and they think about a third!
There is a third. It’s called Dark Dawn, was on the DS
Totally reminded me about this game. I think I played it once when it first came out, but it was pretty forgettable. I’m gonna add this to my queue so I can fit some time in for it this year.