It’s either the most obvious frame job ever or he was trying to get caught.
It’s either the most obvious frame job ever or he was trying to get caught.
Israel didn’t forget. They took notes.
Why are all these things thrown together with barely a few days notice?
This narrative definitely feels intentionally made up. Breitbart is among the least believable sources out there.
Forbidden keywords that initiate a review at NSF, according to Saxbe:
activism activists advocacy advocate advocates barrier barriers biased biased toward biases biases towards bipoc black and latinx community diversity community equity cultural differences cultural heritage culturally responsive disabilities disability discriminated discrimination discriminatory diverse backgrounds diverse communities diverse community diverse group diverse groups diversified diversify diversifying diversity and inclusion diversity equity enhance the diversity enhancing diversity equal opportunity equality equitable equity ethnicity excluded female females fostering inclusivity gender gender diversity genders hate speech excluded female females fostering inclusivity gender gender diversity genders hate speech hispanic minority historically implicit bias implicit biases inclusion inclusive inclusiveness inclusivity increase diversity increase the diversity indigenous community inequalities inequality inequitable inequities institutional Igbt marginalize marginalized minorities minority multicultural polarization political prejudice privileges promoting diversity race and ethnicity racial racial diversity racial inequality racial justice racially racism sense of belonging sexual preferences social justice sociocultural socioeconomic status stereotypes systemic trauma under appreciated under represented under served underrepresentation underrepresented underserved undervalued victim women women and underrepresented
They’re also purging all references to women from NASA and other federal agencies. Like, you think you’re being clever, but you’re just showing how ignorant to what is happening you are.
There’s those reading comprehension skills again.
They made huge inroads chasing the incel community. The left wants to dismiss actual young male issues because men have historically had the upper hand, but there are actual things causing hardship for the, and being repeatedly told to suck it up because someone who looks like them didn’t have those problems does not keep them in your corner.
Already mentioned? It happened already. They’re there. It took them only 2 weeks to get to operating concentration camps.
Essentially, directly accessing and modifying any system you don’t have authority over meets the bar for legal action.
So exactly the doge traitors are doing…
It’s funny that you think you’re coming out in top in this conversation.
Try Looking at an actual graph that does more than an entire term distilled into one number… Some of those don’t even look accurate. You might learn something
Wow. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Nowhere did I say companies would do this willingly. Not did I say we were that close to this being relevant. Don’t get too distracted trying to find ways to not discuss the actual point of the conversation though.
If AI can push us to be post scarcity, capitalism stops making sense.
I’m not a communist in terms of present day reality. Not that the first thing you tried to label as communism was even remotely related to it. It sounds like you just slap that label on things as a way to dismiss them in your mind.
I didn’t. You’ve chosen to ignore the very obvious reasons he’s doing this.
Because people are largely ignorant and latch onto buzzwords that the media repeats endlessly without understanding what’s going on behind the scenes.
Fascist Recommendation engines existed long before any of this LLM business.
Stopping technological progress because bad people might do bad things with it, is attacking the problem the wrong way. Stop the bad people, not the technology. Replacing jobs/reducing the burden on people to labor isn’t a bad thing if we can prevent all the riches going to a few wealthy owners.
That’s the most visible thing. It’s not the only thing. And the cool thing about AI models is that they can be run together in various ways to commitment each other. It’s not a zero sum game
Is like to point out that most of Obama’s increase in budget was pushed through under Bush (because budgets are passed the prior year). And he brought it down from that starting point over his two terms. Trump immediately jacked it back up from what he inherited, and Biden decreased it again.
You’re just going to double down on not doing even the most basic math, huh?
The fact that you think that’s the extent of AI development means you’re not informed enough to really comment on this issue. LLMs are only one from of AI. And the fact that they can now recognize natural language is a huge boost in itself.
They’ve gotten too comfortable hiding behind America’s skirts.