Thanks for the answer👍
A Ioniq 5N might tempt me one day, but I’m really looking forward to more Wagon EV’s.
Thanks for the answer👍
A Ioniq 5N might tempt me one day, but I’m really looking forward to more Wagon EV’s.
How happy are you about the Mach-E GT?
I mostly see Asahi Linux as a way to keep these M Macs in use once they’re too old to get official updates and once they become really cheap on the used market.
If on top of this Apple is forced to bring back some repairability/upgradeability, it would be great.
Buying an used computer is the only thing environnementaly friendlier than buying something from a brand like Framework.
Pretty jealous of the last two. The Lexus and the Audi are kind of dreamcars, but not the bills related😅
What is the price difference as it would clearly be a factor too?
I’m also really interested in /e/os and Fairphone, but since my company is giving me an iPhone that I can also use for my private life, I’m not gonna get a second phone as it would be non ecological and a hassle.
Well thanks it works. Do you know if there is a way for GNOME sushi to be the default PDF viewer when you click on a file? I’ve tried putting the explorer as the defautlt since sushi is part of it but it doesn’t work.
It worked.
All I had to do:
sudo ls /boot | grep vmlinuz sudo grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-6.12.11-200.fc41.x86_64 sudo dnf autoremove
Thanks a lot
If they want to keep me on their platform they’ll probably have to, otherwise it’s gonna be a Linux PC for me with all the hassle PC gaming means in my eyes.
Thanks for the answer, but then how do I remove all of these packages?
I haven’t found a proper answer on the web.
I have such fond memories of the first Gears of War on my 360 (which was destroying my disks) that I would probably give money to Microsoft even if it’s an evil company.
Yeah I guess waiting for AC Evo is the wise thing to do.
I just hope the wait isn’t gonna be too long on consoles.
Otherwise I might pick up Asseto Corsa if I find it for really, really cheap.
After watching a few videos, I might make the jump but only if I can find the ultimate edition for less than 20.- (around 20$).
Otherwise it’ll just be a sign that I should be patient 😇
A cooling stand is a pretty useless thing in my mind.
I might be wrong, but the best case scenario is that it’s just useless and the worst case scenario is that it’s detrimental to the natural airflow of the console.
I think it should be 2028, although it’s probalbly gonna be 2027.
To be honest, I’m a happy ps5 owner, but I could almost just be a happy ps4 owner as it feels that the crazy next-gen games (current games in fact) haven’t arrived yet.
I don’t need better graphics all the time, as we’ve already reached a crazy detail level, but then why would we need a new console every 7-8 years?
Also, if disc drives are really becoming a thing of the past, I might really just jump to an entry level Linux PC. The only thing which would scare me is how much settings you have on pc compared to Playstation.
As long as you have a way to know if it’s a Signal to whatsapp conversation, I don’t see the problem.
If you only want to talk to Signal users, you could just deactivate the interooerability option.
It’s surprising that games are getting cheaper compared to the cost of living. If you take into consideration the fact that games are becoming more expensive to produce, I really don’t understand it.
Gaming is way cheaper for me than it was during the ps2 or ps3 era.
Still, I don’t want games to become more and more ambitious and cost more and more. So, if I get GTA6, it’s gonna be at a reasonable price, maybe even second hand since I don’t need to directly support Rockstar.
It’s surprising that games are getting cheaper compared to the cost of living. If you take into consideration the fact that games are becoming more expensive to produce, I really don’t understand it.
Gaming is way cheaper for me than it was during the ps2 or ps3 era.
Give me real ps5 games first.
To be honest, I’m a happy ps5 owner, but I feel like I have only played 2-3 games which aren’t available on ps4.
These 3 are FFVII Rebirth, Dead Space and Astro’s Playroom. I’m almost certain these games could have been lightly downgraded to run on the previous generation.
I feel like the technology isn’t what’s holding games back as Last of Us 2 is still the most beautiful game I’ve played and it’s getting old.
A really great game, only bested by the second one.
I played it a few times on ps3, then once on the PS4. I got my PS5 with the remake but I sold the game as it didn’t need a remake since nothing about it was old.