It would explode his head
It would explode his head
I’ve loved Lynch’s films for decades, but only now have I seen his picture. Rest in peace, pioneer.
I’m stealing that last comment for my own conversations.
Seems like a bad decision from Meta and Amazon. You want a diverse party, like a caster or two, a rogue and some beef. Maybe a bard?
I was thinking Yakety Sax
It is one of the xkcds of all time.
Yes, you have to beat them yourself or they’ll never learn to let you sleep.
Roger Stone must be considering having his Nixon back tattoo updated to Trump.
The good news is cats are self watering! Fill a bowl with water, pick the cat up and once it’s finished mauling you, put it back down gently and it can drink from the bowl on its own. But not while you are watching.
Believe it or not, he did that shit on purpose
Windows: 95
Gabe: imma head out
Just wondering whether we can start referring to Tiananmen Square 1989 as a “lootbox”, or Xi as a “microtransaction” and let China fix our problems.
They post both the intro monologue and A Closer Look segment on YouTube.
If you mean which one is Trump ranting about, I don’t know but I am sure Seth is already writing the jokes.
I’d also wager the proportion of human users is much higher on Lemmy.
But in addition to what happened to Yahoo, Meta’s platforms also use the network effect to keep users. Once the tide turns and the network effect is stronger elsewhere the userbase may quickly evaporate, like what happened to MySpace.
Why would you need to do that if it’s off by default and locally processed?
Putting on a sock, lost my grip and punched myself in the particulars.
Germany would have won WW2 if the USA was as fascist as today.
Pick a different scapegoat; Apple’s one of the better ones in this area
They think they will be raised up by the targeted others being pushed down. Pathetic, angry and wrong, what a combo.