Challenge Defeatism. Resist Doomerism

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


    • Where’s your nearest water source? How easy is it to protect?
    • Having enough room to grow vegetables is a moot point unless you have enough additional supplies to support you whilst you wait for the food to grow.
    • What’s the soil like? What can you grow there? What’s the climate like?
    • It takes about one acre of land to support one person, how many people are you supporting?
    • The walls might keep shambling hordes out, but what about raiders and the like? Will you have enough people to secure it? Will you be able to feed and water those people with the space you have?

    • Escort Section where the person you’re escorting moves at a slower pace than you do, forcing you to jog, walk, jog all the time.

    • Want to quit the game? Sure go into the menu, click Quit Session -> Are you sure? -> click Yes -> Loading Screen -> Game menu -> click Quit Game -> Are you sure? -> click Yes -> Loading Screen -> Unskippable game title intro -> sub menu with Quit Game, Continue Game, New Game -> click Quit Game -> Are you sure? -> click Yes -> Loading Screen -> Desktop

  • plagiarize: : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source.

    Since almost no one actually consented to having their images used as training data for generative art, and since it never credits the training data that was referenced to train the nodes used for any given generation; it is using another persons production without crediting the source, and thus is text book plagiarism.

    AI systems like generative art models are trained on large datasets to recognize patterns, styles, and structures, but the output they create does not directly copy or reproduce the original data. Instead, the AI generates new works by synthesizing learned features. This is more akin to how a human artist might create something inspired by various influences. If the generated image does not directly replicate any specific piece of the training data, it cannot be considered “using another’s production without crediting the source.”

    Also AI platforms like Midjourney do not “reference” specific works in a way that can be credited. The training process distills millions of examples into mathematical representations, not a library of individual artworks. Crediting every source is not only infeasible and impractical, it is also not analogous to failing to attribute a specific inspiration or idea, which is a cornerstone of plagiarism.