fanbois [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2021


  • From the boring point of view of an office worker, who worked in a yellow office with furniture that was older than me…

    The renovation of my office was a truly appreciated. Ergonomic tables and chairs, new carpet, actual white walls and getting rid of 80% of the old file cabinets make life so much nicer. I put up a union poster, a painting, two plants and i do not miss the yellow plastic stains one bit.

  • Here is a way to rethink the word lazy:

    Lazy is if you can enjoy inaction: It is Sunday, I wanted to clean up my basement and work out. The sun is shining and a friend wants to hang out by the lake. I agree and we spent half the day loafing around, drinking beer by the lake. I was lazy and that’s alright because I had a good day. Maybe I feel a mild sense of guilt but so what. I know I will get around to it another day and no real harm was done.

    Lazy is not: I want to get up but can’t. I want to clean my room, but don’t know where to start so I don’t. I want to do my work but can’t. I want to do things for myself that I know will be good for me, but yet I still have only moved from bed to couch and back. For days, weeks, months. Years?

    If your chronic inaction creates suffering and regret, you are not lazy. Your brain fails at providing you with a baseline of motivation, often stemming from both a chemical imbalance and long term acquired behavioural patterns.

    ADHD is a very typical reason, depression another one. Sometimes one masks the other and autism correlates so strongly with ADHD, that people have coined the term AuDHD.

    Please be kind to yourself and if you can, seek help from a psychiatrist or other mental health provider.

  • Disco Elysium took me three tries over three years to finish. I always knew I liked it, but I had to find the right moment in time for it to grip me. The music, the vibe, the art… But soo much reading.

    Same with Dark Souls, same with Outer Wilds. All three are now among my favourite games of all time.

    If it’s not for you, it’s perfectly fine. But some pieces of art are good because they are not the instant dopamine delivery method. I played vampire survivors for like 6 hours straight and never touched it again. I’ll always think about Harry and Kim.

    And yes, if you have ADHD, give it a try medicated. We always chase the dopamine and that sometimes blinds us to slower paced, more rewarding joy.

  • Symptoms of a broken system etc… A bronze medal in the Olympics is well worth it in the eyes of someone who has dedicated his entire life (so far) to achieve this. It is short sighted, ignorant and extremely negligent, but this just mirrors societies attitude to COVID right now. On the other hand we elevate sports competition to matters of nationalistic pride, heroism, even politics and one of the greatest forms of vicarious achievements. An athlete at that level has already very little concern for their own health, likely taking PED of some form and pushing his body beyond it’s limits. I find it difficult to be particularly mad at him. He did as everyone expected him to.

  • The stock indices have reached new records after every single crash . Because capitalism must grow. Line must go up. Because if line go down, the whole promise of return of investment goes out of the window and the thing collapses. Any money you put in the market as a whole (ETFs), will be worth more in the future than it is now. But it has to be money that you don’t need to rely on in the next 15-20 years, so it’s exclusively for people who are rich already.

    Everything else, like picking a single stock like those GameStop idiots, is just straight up gambling. Betting on horse racing is equally as productive.

  • Just a general word: ADHD is a dimensional disorder. Meaning, there isn’t a single identifying symptom that differentiates ADHD from say, a more neurotypical person that is a bit disorganised. Everyone forgets shit, everyone is late once in a while and everyone fidgets when they are nervous.

    So the question you have to ask yourself (and which will be part of the diagnosis): How often does that happen? Is this majorly impacting the direction your life is going and are you okay with it?

    If the answers are “pretty much everyday” and “I would not be where I am, if I didn’t behave like that and I feel like I can’t do anything about it even though I want to”, you have a pretty good indication.

    Your wording and descriptions all sound very much like my (inattentive) ADHD to me.