I very much dislike troons mostly bc

  1. (((certain people))) keep trying to normalize them
  2. they expect us to buy in to their delusions
  3. they bitch if we don’t memorize and use their soynouns
  4. loud and annoying
  5. they infiltrate and co-opt communities
  • 555 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • 9gag and gab, haven’t been on long so not really. I think on gab only comment was the intro one and I just said I dislike troons or something.

    The lemmy accounts, some comments but not much. I don’t post same stuff as here obv cyz they would cry and ban me then hang themselves. And when I post its on very different stuff than on here. I think I had 1 political comment ever on those and it was something mild with no un-pc language that I think was basically “affirmative action hurts minorities in the end” iirc.

    I use vpn on everything and not a single account uses an email that can be traced back to me to reduce chance of doxx.

    I know probably should try to create communities here, ask questions here and try when possible but sometimes you want a more immediate answer, even if you don’t think you can trust the people giving it in anything outside of that topic.

    Example: I don’t watch tones of anime but here and there I’ll watch one. if I have a question on it, EH doesn’t have a anime sub and haven’t seen anyone else say they watch it. i don’t really have an interest enough to create/mod a sub for one either.

  • Well americans use the term liberal wrongly

    Been trying to read up on this a bit more. Someone else mentioned something similar in a comment recently too. I had previously assumed “liberal” meant “more government” since people also say things like “liberal amounts of (bacon/butter/etc)” to mean “more”. But seems like that is wrong or at least not how the political term works.

    From reading online (mostly this quora post), it sounds like the term “liberal” in Europe came from the idea of “liberty”, much like “libertarian” in the US with their main opposition in EU being existing aristocracy and theocracy. Since US didn’t have these elements, both parties were originally based off EU “liberalism” concepts but have diverged over time on other points.

    So yeah, sounds like the term “liberal” as it is used over here is probably a misnomer /bastardization/whatever. I don’t think I’ll be able to change everybody in the states to use different term but I will try to avoid on global sites going forward to avoid confusion

    So guessing Europe doesn’t have “Republicans” but do the terms “woke”, “conservative”, “left (-wing)”, and “right(-wing)” still more or less have the same meaning as in US? Or is just completely different and I will need to do more reading before I get?

    From stuff I see online, seems like there are many Europeans who have very similar values to myself and I’d rather not accidentally piss off the wrong people just cuz I used a local term that mean something completely different there… I want to express myself correctly so I piss off the right people using the right terms 😁

  • Thanks. Not sure what that means (isn’t liberal = anti gun, libertarian= pro gun… at least in the us)?

    But I saw in the link from your other comment he say

    I’m a constitutional absolutist. We can argue about whether the Second Amendment was intended to protect guns. That argument has now been settled by the Supreme Court.

    So he definitely ok on 2A for me. I just distrustful of politicians especially since I remember libertarian Gay Johnson in the 2016 elections who was libertarian candidate and allegedly pro-2A but then he flip flop after a shooting and cave to wanting gun control… Really piss me off.

    Anyway if he pro immigration then yeah probably not my first pick. Not completely anti immigrant but I would want the exact opposite of what liberals usually want (e.g. I want more anti-communist, skilled, and predominantly white Christians, with no criminal history). He still sounds much much better than any other choices I’ve seen on the left in the past decade