Great article, you should x-post to [email protected]
Great article, you should x-post to [email protected]
With the beautiful Victorian home styles subsumed by barrier and an enormous metallic obelisk thrusting into the sky…it says San Francisco and Salesforce tower in 10 years.
“some call you the elite, I call you my base.”
I remember an article WSJ put out in ~2010 about the burdened cost of a Manhattan family who had two 750k salaries by listing out their costs which included a madi, childcare and private school for two kids, two cars (in NYC!), etc. “everyone is scraping by” was the general thrust. So myopic.
This is that certainty that businesses love that Republicans provide, right? On investment, trade, taxes? I’m sure the lost business volume will be made up in their tax refunds the government will surely provide them for all the services cut, right…?
20 years ago is when they should have understood it, but the race had already passed them by when they finally understood it was happening, hence 10 years ago.
No, did they do that?
10 years ago Intel was starting to realize that mobile phones might be popular. They had every advantage to understand and shape the future and somehow managed to not understand mobile chips and graphics cards–which they manufactured both for a long time, would be important areas of computing.
Complete, total, utter failure of leadership and vision, product management. They finally swapped it CEO like a year ago after they’d cemented decades of sleepwalking as a company.
It’s not sad, it’s pathetic and a testament to poor management being able to kill a company despite all possible advantages.
Refrigerated trenchcoat sales on the subway.
So this is a part of striking, and one of the risks, you strike and you lose healthcare. It’s gross and tilts negotiations hugely in employer favor. Instead of unions calling this out as if it’s a surprise during a strike they should continue to focus in progressive states, like they are finally, on getting legislation passed to allow for unemployment during strikes, healthcare during strikes…things that actually change the playing field?
Alabama and other states in the south have laws like “it’s illegal for cities to pass a law making the min wage higher than the federal minimum wage.” That’s wildly regressive, yet progressive groups in OR where they might have the numbers to pass stuff don’t get progressive legislation for workers across the line.
OR is the only west coast state without a salaried minimum wage. Our unemployment benefits could be more progressive. State paid leave is new and one of the best and is a game changer. More focus on that kind of law is where efforts should be IMO.
Who would have thought?
Meanwhile source has a “post to Twitter” widget to share the story. Until people start being active about connecting the dots and helping others dismantle corporate media alignment, the news will get less and less useful.
As always, those who promoted attacking sensitive “snowflakes” on the left are the weakest, most insecure, crybabies there are.
Because the problems they raged about are systemic, and the system didn’t change.
It’s a bit tricky to answer your prompt depending on what exactly you’re looking for with “better”:
Overall, know your needs and your kid’s, your kids emotional state, interests and maturity level and plan accordingly. If the child isn’t ready for certain things, it’s your job as a parent to make that call for their and your benefit. You’ll enjoy what you need and have more energy to appreciate activities with them where their needs lie when you do things in their space.
To make it clear that their only loyalty is to money. They would sell “murder your mom knives” if it helped their stock price and murderers were buying them.
So will be every federal agency left, kept solely to silence dissent and force obedience.
The right wing nutcases will finally have what they were long fed to eat; big government to be scared of. I look forward to their acting to dismantle the fascist state…
Great article, thanks!
It also didn’t exist and now is at 25,000+ miles of track.
The US, meanwhile has exactly one “highish speed” line in the country from DC to NY that hasn’t improved in decades.
Failed state
This is not “botched”. Destroying worker protections, such as the NLRB, is incredibly high on their list.