For good reason.
For good reason.
Oh that’s good
Ok I can’t determine what you misspelled. It was probably insulin, but then I thought ‘wait no- he could have meant IV-Saline’ then it dawned on me you could have meant a play on words like “insane saline” and it doesn’t really matter because insulin and saline are both lifesaving and needlessly expensive compared to their base components and production costs.
2020 was a decade right? So by my estimates, not quite a millennia, but definitely centuries.
How? I can’t seem to query for all the results. I can’t even seem to get the total number of pages to set up a script to do it.
To explain the above comment:
The concentration camps were meant for undesirables.
They wanted those undesirables gone. At first it was fine if they left the country on their own. Then it became tricky, because the undesirables without somewhere to go, or because they were initially mistakenly lead to believe that they were “an exception” to being undesirable, couldn’t leave. So they got sent to deportation camps, indefinitely (sound familiar anyone?)
These camps weren’t cheap, they so they used them for slave labor a little. But slaves need some food and care to be useful, and that shit gets expensive, so the disabled, sick, particularly mouthy dissenters were just killed.
Unfortunately, fascists don’t operate on logic, they operate on power. So expect that running may be an option, but defending yourself might be a necessary alternative. Don’t believe that they have anyone they will protect other themselves, and only so long as they don’t feel threatened from within.
Me browsing the BMW electrics:
25% of people who couldn’t be bothered to care are still considered Nazis as far as I know
Ok that makes sense, but opens up more questions.
Is blonde hair using it to insult brown hair? Is blonde hair communicating the desire to penetrate brown hair? Is brown hair actually a bottom? How does blonde hair actually penetrate brown hair, if at first glance blonde is a woman? Is this a BDSM thing?
I feel so out of the loop
And just like that, law-enforcement is now officially SS.
We have the second amendment, but I don’t know how bear arms will help.
Ok, clearly the joke isn’t aimed at me, and I get the “use your words part” that’s pretty funny. But I don’t get the “I don’t speak bottom”
Look man, if I encounter a shark on land, I usually squat down and say ‘pspspspspsps’ until it starts rubbing it’s head against me and I give it lots of pets.
It’s foolish to outrun them. They find you.
I’m prepared for the flak I’m going to receive, but it worked out in her favor. Either luck, genetics, or extremely expensive surgeons.
I had to find the original because the text was screwing with my brain. Yeah I know now.
I’m impressed, I can’t fly 30 meters over multiple times.
Ok I get who Zuck is, but why is everyone creeping on whoever that is with hair in their face?
Now what?
A “night of the long knives” is inevitable. He pulled something similar the first admin, just without killing anyone, sacking those he saw obstructing him.