refolde [she/her, any]

  • 52 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Can’t take it anymore god I’m losing my mind… again. Making another deranged post where I’m rambling on about stuff I can’t even thinkabout no more.

    Been losing my mind all fucking day ever since the news and all the fucking zionist freaks hooting and celebrating.

    I just want to see every zionist punished and physically torn apart. Every smug piece of shit experiencing all the worst pains you can imagine.

    I’d toss away whatever fucking morals I have left, drag my own name through the mud, condemn myself to hell if it means I get a chance to punish all of these genocidal monsters wearing human skin. I’d commit every war crime you can think of under the sun, and hell, I’d even invent new war crimes just for them. I’d bring back every fucking medieval torture method just to punish them.

    I haven’t been able to enjoy anything today. And there are people who are happy anyone who supports the resistance feels like this.

    I can’t keep it together. Try as I might I just end up relapsing into complete rage-filled despair again, over and over and over. Because the worst people in the world have all the power, and always seem to get everything they want. Always getting vindicated. Always always always.

    Why can’t there be a literally invincible and untouchable force or state or whatever that has the power to just threaten and crush all imperialist and genocidal freaks overnight with no repercussions? Instead we have a seemingly invincible and untouchable state in the form of the US that just does whatever it wants with no repercussions, such as aiding and supporting genocide.

    If Israel wins and succeeds in their genocide, I don’t see how I don’t just devolve into full misanthropy.

    EDIT oh god i feel slihgtly dizzy

  • How about you don’t use Zionazi propaganda for your argument? Why should the people responding to you be expected to prove this is demonstrably false, yet you have no responsibility to back up the Zionazi’s claim with evidence? I don’t think there’s a way to verify how true or false this is at the moment, but you’re holding up the word of Zionazis as true until proven otherwise.

    Like holy shit imagine some chud going “Trans people are mass-kidnapping and indoctrinating children using hypnotic dead fishes wired to broadcast woke cartoons through their eyes” and you’re holding up their statement and asking people to prove that it’s false, but not questioning the validity of the initial statement.

  • It’s getting hard to keep your head up when it feels like it’s just been a constant string of bad news. Cynical posts cascades the effect and creates a strong feeling of helplessness, like everything is going downhill, you’ve been tied up and your eyelids have been taped open to force you to watch. Is it creating the illusion that Israel is truly invincible, or is that the reality?

    What does it feel like right now. That the good guys always have to make the right calls; they can never make mistakes if they want to win. But somehow they always do, they always make mistakes and I guess those mistakes always lead to their destruction. The bad guys on the other hand never make mistakes, or if they did, the good guys never capitalize on it. And even if the good guys take action and do something to hurt the bad guys… erm ackshually no it didn’t harm them in any meaningful way at all really. Every time that’s what it feels like.

    Maybe I just need to see another video of an IOF goon getting domed.