
My previous/alt account is [email protected] which will be abandoned soon.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024


  • Sure, but I’d argue the largest aspect is cultural.

    There’s a reason France’s protests are significantly more disruptive than those of other European nations, despite similar social resources and significantly worse police brutality.

    I mean, the US has denser cities than most of Europe. It’s not impossible to have large-scale demonstrations with hundreds of thousands of protestors in them.

    I suspect it’s just that most Americans aren’t all that interested in changing the status quo for the better. The amount of apathy is perhaps only topped by Russia.

  • This woman likes set theory because she was involved in a set theory workshop:


    But you’re kind of right that it’s not great that math is still a strongly male dominated field. There is not a single woman’s name in the Wikipedia article for set theory, where I first tried to find a counterexample.

    Also, you don’t necessarily need set theory to arrive at vacuous truths. Logic is enough:

    FALSE => [statement]

    Still, I think vacuous truths are fun because they are meaningless. Especially because they have to be considered in math or else your carefully constructed proof becomes invalid.

  • You’re right, but you also have cities like NYC with decent public transit and a higher population density than any German city.

    To be fair, the protests were held at state capitals but NYC is the far more nationally and internationally relevant city in that state. A protest with public backing would have little problem getting 100,000 people on the streets there, wouldn’t it?

    Even Oklahoma City has 680,000 inhabitants and is larger than all but 5 German cities. If we assume 680 people protested then that’s 0.1% of the city… which isn’t a lot really?

    The German protest series also had a somewhat short, though longer notice of around two weeks. Plus large protests are held on the weekend by design, to allow as many people as possible to join in. No clue what the turnout would’ve been on a regular Wednesday.

    But in all honesty, the US reaction to open fascism has been rather apathetic so far from what I can tell an ocean away. Which should be particularly concerning because apathy does not defeat fascism, ever.