I wanted to ask this question to Americans, do you think it is ok for people who don’t have a stake in USA future to discuss USA events and politics?

I personally think it should be encouraged, but I had met a very small minority of people who think it’s not ok.

What do you think?

  • The Hobbyist
    16 days ago

    I question why anyone would have a monopole or exclusive right to a topic of conversation :)

    But I actually disagree due to another fundamental point: USA politics are in fact involving and impacting the rest of the world. The USA leads NATO and has previously threatened to drop it, as well as the WHO, they get involved (sometimes violently) in foreign affairs (afghanistan). They are a huge economic market to which many foreign companies try to sell or get funding. They are the biggest stock exchange (still today I guess).

    The influence of the USA exceeds its borders since quite a while now. It is only normal for people to feel involved, despite not being from the USA. Same with Russia, same with China.