Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).

  • Otherbarry
    5 months ago

    but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

    Yes definitely. Try pressing the Windows key and type the first few letters of the app name you’re looking for, it’s way way faster than mousing around clicking and scrolling through the Start Menu.

    Also Windows key + E to open the file explorer gets used a lot. And windows key + L to lock the screen, I do that one a lot when walking away from the desktop at work.