• Cethin
    2 hours ago

    That article is pretty inflammatory, on purpose I believe. It rolls all of the costs into one, including nuclear weapons testing, costs of the Manhattan project, and even the costs other forms of energy entail at times. It’s clearly an anti-nuclear article doing it’s best to make the reader believe the costs are higher than they actually are.

    I do agree with the article that we need to implement solutions, but they aren’t difficult. We know how to solve it, and it isn’t particularly expensive. These videos give good insight into how easy to contain nuclear waste is and solutions that we already have for it.



    • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
      24 minutes ago

      Yeah, unfortunately it’s kinda hard to find objective information. It’s either the environmental activists, or the nuclear lobby who publish the articles that show up on the first several pages of Google search. I’ve linked some report from the government and scientists in this thread, regarding cost. But the proper studies are hard to read and several hundred pages long. I doubt anyone here will read such things, they just claim something counter-factual without really knowing anything on the subject.

      The Kyle Hill videos aren’t objective either. What he visits isn’t permanent storage. And it’s not accounting for all of the waste. I mean the reactor core has to be dismantled at some point, and so has the whole plant. And that won’t fit into the barrels. What he also doesn’t show is the groundwater contamination and environmental damage plus waste from uranium mining and milling. And I mean it’s nice that he shows one shiny and clean temporary storage facility. While the other side shows some corroding barrels at the bottom of the ocean. Or inside of some leaky salt mine. That’s all just framing. His opponents make arguments and dig up numbers that make nuclear fission look bad, while he shows the one facility that looks clean and good on camera. Trying to bullshit his viewers into believing his framing. In reality he just disregards the existence of the other facts, which definitely also exist. He just doesn’t talk about it to make it look a certain way.

      I think what we can agree on is that nuclear energy has a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels. But in turn it generates hazardous waste. And it’s not renewable either. And the barrels in the video won’t last 5.000 years or 30.000 years. It’s going to be expensive handling all of this for tens of thousands of years. And nuclear fission energy already is more expensive than renewable energy, even without the storage factored in. It’s definitely an expensive and problematic option. And nuclear fission is temporary anyways. There is a limited supply of uranium on earth and it’s not even that much. Peak uranium is currently predicted to be at about 2035. (That might change. And Uranium 235 isn’t the only thing that can be used for nuclear fission, afaik.)

      I’d say all of this says we should avoid relying on nuclear fission, starting now. Claiming it’s carbon neutral definitely is a lie. And if someone generates waste, they’re responsible to treat it. Energy price needs to factor in the 40.000 years of storage. Doing inspections on all of the barrels every few years for tens of thousands of years, topping up the helium inside, transferring the waste into new barrels every few hundred years once they become defective… Clearing leaky salt mines and transferring the waste into a new one. Making sure it never gets into the groundwater. Handling accidents and incidents. I think that has to be paid now by the people who actually use that energy. The cost of our current energy can’t be burdened upon the future thousands of generations of people. That’s why I’m opposed to it. Because how it currently works is: Generate “cheap” nuclear energy and let the taxpayer pay for the majority of the issues with it, while companies get their energy subsidized that way. All the problems with storage will have to be dealt with by future generations. We currently don’t have any good idea for permanent storage, but that isn’t stopping us from generating even more waste. We’re “investing” in a technology that is known not to last us into the next century, because the fuel is most likely used up by then. And we do all of that while we have better and cheaper options available. Those come with way less issues. They’re already cheap and there will be a massive payoff if we invest in them. But somehow we’re opposed to that?

      And I think the perspective in the YouTube videos is very naive. Alike a 4 yo who thinks beef, chocolate and vegetables come from the supermarket. And the packaging vanishes in the trash bin and that’s it.

      • Cethin
        26 minutes ago

        For waste, yeah it has to be taken care of. However, nuclear is the only energy resource that we require to do this. All others tend to just let the public (or others in the area) deal with it. Solar also creates waste through mining. Wind is pretty good, but not perfect and the turbines aren’t yet recyclable, and you can bet they aren’t having to pay for their storage. They also will require some form of energy storage that nuclear won’t need, which will likely partially include chemical batteries, which are not environmentally friendly to produce, but again won’t be rolled into their cost.

        The anti-nuke movement is largely funded by existing energy companies who don’t want to compete on even ground. They’ve had so many laws passed that increase costs. There are countries where nuclear is much cheaper, which shows that a large part of the cost is regulations, not fundamental costs. Even in the US it’s competitive with offshore wind and coal for cost though, which we still build both of.

        Most nuclear waste does not need to be stored for tens of thousands of years either, like you imply. Some does, but not much. Yeah, we still need a solution for that small amount, but those solutions already exist, they just need to be implemented. Again, no other energy gets waste handling rolled into their cost. They just become negative externalities someone else has to deal with. Nuclear is just easy to capture the waste, so they store it. This should be a positive, not a negative.

        It’s also ridiculously clean and safe. Even including nuclear accidents (which become less likely each time, and are now almost impossible), it’s next to the safest energy source. The only thing safer is solar, by a tiny amount.



        It is a great baseline power source we should be relying on. Obviously I agree, it shouldn’t be everything. Solar and wind are ideal to make up the majority of the grid, but as a safe and reliable supply of power, nuclear should support them. It perfectly fills the gap left by them that otherwise requires massive amount of power storage, which is far from ideal. We should remove the regulations that have kneecapped them to protect traditional dirty energy and provide solutions for permanent waste disposal so it doesn’t artificially increase their costs.