If you have missed it, Creature Inc and Dena has released TCG Pocket, a new TCG app that is designed like a typical gacha game, you pull 5 cards every 12h or you could pay. I think the app and especially the new card design look good. I think it’s a nice app for the crowd, casual collect some of the cards. Sadly the battle system got changed, and doesn’t got better. They rediced the amount of points required to win for shorter battles and changed the energy System. I think it’s balanced quite bad, but even worse, it’s not the oroginal TCG game people play in tournaments.

I comparison there is TCG live, a horrible buggy app that is available for Windows, mac, Android and IOS. So has a better compability to different Systems, which is good. Opening that service, i just think it’s confusing, how do you get cards, you already have a lot pre build decks and i guess you get cards by playing with the battle pass. But i think at least, you play the real TCG game, with original rules.

I don’t understand why the Pokemon Company has created two servives, Creature inc is involved im both. Both services lack in different features. I would just like to play the TCG game online but both services are not fun enough for me.

  • TamlynOP
    4 months ago

    I can let my nieces and nephews “rip” a pack open as a reward without thinking “that’s $4 gone.”

    I guess i never really buy card, because i think they way to expensive. Good luck for your real $4 booster