The stormbringer, a walking conduit, running around at the speed of sound - Volt!

Release date: 2012-10-25

Passive: Traveling along the ground between2 Volt’s attacks will build up static energy, adding bonus Electricity damage toward Volt’s next weapon attack or ability cast.
Shock - Launches a shocking projectile. It stuns and deals high damage to a single target and chains damage to nearby enemies.
Speed - Volt energizes his body and nearby Warframes, giving them increased speed and dexterity for a short time.
Electric Shield - Volt deploys an obstacle of energy, providing cover in any situation.
Discharge - Paralyze nearby hostiles with a damaging electric charge, this also shocks approaching enemies.

Acquisition: All blueprints can be acquired from the Tenno Lab in the dojo.

  • KeegenOP
    3 months ago

    My pick for the best starter. Volt’s got it all! A very cheap 1st ability that does enough damage to nuke low level enemies with ease while also stunning them. Speed boost that makes running through missions easier without being a master of parkour. An invincible shield that boosts your damage while shooting through it, that can also be picked up to provide solid personal defense. A nuke powerful enough to stay relevant even in ESO that can also give you all the shields you could even want with it’s augment. Just a damn good frame, easy to build, easy to use, versatile kit and an amazing early game passive that lets you build up precious extra damage by just running around. If I was to start the game again, I would 100% pick Volt.