I used i2p from InviZible Pro (F-Droid).

I was trying to connect my Monero wallet to a Monero RPC Damon that somebody I know runs and while it did connect the absolute best speed I could ever achieve through it was 45KiB/s. I changed no settings at all and just used the defaults. Turned it on and had 33 client tunnels.

Tor usually gets me ~400KiB/s to the hs, but i thought i2p would be faster.

Edit: it used 2 hops as default and i left it that way.

  • shortwavesurferOP
    3 months ago

    I’m wondering if it’s because I am firewalled off, because on IPv4, I am behind CGNAT, and on IPv6, I have not done any port forwarding, and do not use UPnP.