I digged out my dad’s old business laptop from 2006. This Asus rust is almost as old as me. But it booted up a horribly slow Windows 7 Home Premium that is totally unusable. Takes 30-40 minutes to open Chrome. Here are the specs: 40 gb old hard drive that is suprisingly healthy (96℅ according to HDDsentinel, more than 1000 days left) 1.73 ghz Intel Celeron M single core cpu that wasn’t exactly the fastest even in 2006 1.25 gb of terribly slow RAM American Megatrends BIOS from 2006 I know Linux can’t do miracles, but are there any still supported distro i could install that would actually run better than this shitty windows stuff?

I found puppy slitaz antix tahrpup ArchBang Slax Delicate Damn Small Linux Absolute FunOS LegacyOS exe gnu/linux Do you know others? Or from these which you recommend if my goal is to create a relatively useable, faster computer, preferably while it doesn’t look that awful (the desktop or wm). So usability>speed>looks But all these are very important, just in this order. Also recommend a desktop enviroment or a window manager that runs well, but doesn’t look that awful and can be installed on these distros

  • kekmacskaOP
    2 months ago

    the sole reason i didn’t tell which laptop is this that i even don’t know myself. something asus, from late 2006.

    not the F8S. mine is older and weaker and thicker. yes, 3 years is a big difference.

    it came with windows xp, but we installed win7 in 2014. even then, security was more important, but it really didn’t serve the hardware’s intrest. it has 64 bit ein7 home premium, totally unusable, freezes every minute for 10 minutes at least. Yes, the cpu is 64 bit capable, i didn’t think about installing a 32 bit system, these are rolled out nowadays. If 64 bit is possible, i have to go with that. I ran msinfo32, i doubt that would report false info. 1.25 gb ram. I could imagine that in late 2006, for a midrange consumer laptop