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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/hippwn on 2023-08-10 12:01:40.

Disclaimer: this is a meta question, I’ll be glad to repost it somewhere else if you have better ideas than this community!

I’m looking for the dream bookmark manager that would allow me to save content for later use. Here is my wish list (ordered by priority):

  • indexed and searchable: I never remember the content I save, and I’m horrible at tagging stuff properly and maintaining that organization. I’d like to be able to search automatically generated metadata about the bookmarks, such as “title”, “abstract”, or even full-page content if needed.
  • cross-platform: browser (Firefox), desktop app (Linux & MacOS), mobile app (Android & IOS).
  • selfhostable
  • …but also hosted by someone: one day, I’d host it myself, but meanwhile it’d be great if there was a hosted version somewhere already.
  • permissive organization: tags, folder, even hierarchical tags and whatnot.

Am I looking for the holy grail, or is there something that already exists?

  • phobug
    2 years ago

    Obsidian works great and ticks all the boxes