Although serial and parallel shared the same overall pin count and connector style, they used opposite genders and the two were incompatible.
Generally, If the port on the PC was male it was serial if the port was female it was parallel. But realistically you’d never see a 25-pin serial on a computer unless you were looking at something very ancient and strange. Even back into the '80s, The PCs used DB9 connectors for serial and adapters or the cable itself would have to convert it over the standard 25 pin connector on the modems.
Although serial and parallel shared the same overall pin count and connector style, they used opposite genders and the two were incompatible.
Generally, If the port on the PC was male it was serial if the port was female it was parallel. But realistically you’d never see a 25-pin serial on a computer unless you were looking at something very ancient and strange. Even back into the '80s, The PCs used DB9 connectors for serial and adapters or the cable itself would have to convert it over the standard 25 pin connector on the modems.