The Anglican Catholic Church has removed a Grand Rapids priest for making an alleged Nazi salute.

Calvin Robinson, priest-in-charge at St. Paul’s Anglican Catholic Church, was defrocked Thursday, Jan. 29, after church leadership learned he’d made the controversial salute to a crowd at the National Pro-Life Summit on Jan. 25 in Washington, D.C.

  • EchoCranium
    1 month ago

    I grew up there, and that’s pretty accurate. Very conservative Dutch christian area, but not completely dominated by that ideology. The church on every block depiction is quite true in some places. While there are little areas that can be more progressive, still not exactly a safe place to be too different. From my experience working there, LGBT folks were often understated, kept their personal life away from coworkers. Definitely a lot of quiet bigotry and discrimination, sometimes outright verbal and other abuse. Easier to recognize it now that I’m older and moved away. I’ve been gone for two decades, but probably still the same.