This LPT doesn’t violate the community rule against illegal advice because in this purely hypothetical scenario the law means nothing
This LPT doesn’t violate the community rule against illegal advice because in this purely hypothetical scenario the law means nothing
This is very much the kind of statement that comes from a place of privilege. You have lived a privileged life and figure you have nothing to lose. You either don’t have or don’t care about loved ones who can face repercussions for your actions. Let alone “illegal” repercussions. Just ask anyone who has ever been part of a major protest about how cops follow “protocols” and so forth.
He is a deeply complicated person (and may be the only “successful” free speech and 2nd amendment absolutionist in existence…) but Karl at InRangeTV posted a youtube video on a very similar topic a few months back (“Obvious ally or grey man”) that even touches on the idea of being privileged enough to act. He referenced a wonderful blog post by Margaret Killjoy on the same topic ( where she also discusses, among other things, what it means to protest when you DO have things to lose. I strongly encourage people read her blog post and, if they can get past the gun nut side of things, seek out and watch Karl’s video.
Personally? I have a long history of running my mouth off at people what need mouthing off. It has caused me no end of troubles in my life. I’ve been part of major protests, among other things. And… I increasingly am focusing on my own exit plan. Because you can protest the bad apples that ruin the bunch. You can get your voice out there and hopefully shift public opinion before the militarized police crack down on you. That doesn’t work when you are protesting those militarized police to begin with and we have a government that is increasingly making it clear they don’t care about those precious Rights that we thought protected us. Because I don’t know just how much I am personally willing to lose. But I do know that the line of how much I am willing to have my loved ones lose is a lot lower.
And that is the reality and what we see every time there is mass unrest against a fascist regime. They don’t draw the line at you. They go after your family. Your neighbors. And they make it public so that people know to turn on their loved ones and neighbors to avoid repercussions.
So I encourage everyone to educate themselves and make similar decisions.
But “you have nothing to lose” is the kind of childish bullshit that people who watched too many harry potter movies spew.
It’s odd to describe people with nothing left to lose as being “privileged”. You literally don’t know the OP, or their reasons for feeling this way, but here you are judging them. No wonder you say that you running your mouth has caused problems in your life.
Lots of people are socially isolated nowadays, with few if any friends. Lots of people are estranged from family. Lots of people deal with chronic health problems that ruin their quality of life. And so on. Many of these people feel like they have nothing left to lose, and that feeling is raw and real and coming from a place of pain and marginalization, not of privilege.
It’s especially ironic that you’re saying this while talking about how you’re making an “exit plan”, which lots of people lack the resources to do.
You are so out of touch it’s not even funny. The reason you don’t relate to this post isn’t because the OP’s stance is “privileged”, it’s because you have different conditions, beliefs, values, and priorities than they do. Get a grip.
Post Karl’s video please. I think I subscribe, but I’m not on YouTube much. And others might want a look.
This one?
Yeah. Solid take on privilege.
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