I have just unpacked and flashed my new t-deck and I’m very excited! Sadly, i had to use some google drive provided old firmware (2.5) since I can not figure out how to find(, build) and upload the firmware.

Having worked with esp32s in the past, i know of the many different ways to flash them (platform.io, webflashers, esptool, etc) but I’m missing something.

Where is the “fancy ui” actually from and how do you build it? I was just told to clone, build and upload the latest from github. (https://meshtastic.org/docs/development/firmware/build/) but that just flashes the crappy ui which I have no idea how to use.

Very thankful for any help! Thanks!

(alt text: picture shows t-deck with “fancy ui” and a chat of two people sending test messages, indicating that it works)

  • shortwavesurfer
    1 month ago

    You’re going to want a better antenna. Look for a local ham radio store or one of those online ham radio stores in your area that sells better antennas because the one that comes with it by default is shit from everything I hear from people. A full wavelength is something like 13 inches, so the longer the antenna is, the better it’s going to be, at least up to that point. Once it gets longer than that point, then it will start becoming directional and could cause you problems.